Red As Wine

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Time is all we have in immortal life

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Time is all we have in immortal life. A oringinal witch running wild is never a good thing. Vampires are in danger and what's better, so am I.

"Rebekah and Klaus problem almost taken care of. Elena is a vampire."

"Did you just tell me that the original witch continued her destruction and Alaric became a vampire who hunts vampires like Mikael? And Elena is a vampire!?"

Months passed and we spent time in Italy, Alec was out of sight for weeks before he came to my door and I told him about my past with Klaus.

He was surprised and amazed but things are going well. Kol has stayed with us because he doesn't want to see his siblings and Jason keeps getting weird stares from the other vampires in the castle.

"Yeah, I'm accused of blowing up the council and blah blah blah. Elena and Stefan are back together. Ugh and Elena can't keep animal blood inside her." Damon said and I rolled my eyes.

"Is Stefan going to put her on the Bambi diet?" I asked laughing out loud and Jason walked up next to me at the same time.

Jason raised an eyebrow and I smiled at him. "It's not normal for a vampire to vomit blood is it?" Damon asked worriedly.

I walked to the library with Jason by my side and stopped to think. "There's a new vampire hunter in town." Damon interrupted my thoughts and I blinked.

Kol opened the door and walked over to Jason and they both looked at me. I knew they were listening to the call.
"You mean Elena can't keep blood inside her?" I asked quickly.

"She drank from Matt's neck and it stays inside her but nothing else does." Damon explained and I frowned.

"I'm sending a picture of the bullets."

My phone beeped and I looked at the picture. "So you guys still have a triangle drama?" I asked teasingly and Damon sighed.

"Elena chose Stefan." Damon said.


"Yeah, but call me when you know more about things?" Damon asked. "I'll call soon." I said turning to look at Kol and Jason.

I threw my phone at Kol who was staring at the picture.


Later I returned back to the castle and walked towards the library. "What does it mean that Elena can't keep her blood inside?" Jason's speech was heard and I sensed others in the library as well.

"From what Damon said and everything he said. It's a sire bond." I said stepping behind them and glancing at Alec and Demetri sitting on the couch.


Kol glanced at Jason and me and I smiled. "Remember Jimmy?" Kol's expression brightened. "Ooh Jimmy who was scared all the time!" He exclaimed and Jason looked dumbfounded.

Demetri and Alec's attention had shifted from the books to the trio talking about the sire bond. "Who's Jimmy?" Jason asked crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the table.

"Jimmy was a guy I met a long time ago and he had a crush on me at the same time." I started and leaned on the shelf next to me. "He wasn't scared when I startled him with my vampire face, years later I changed him. He begged all the time and he followed me like a lost puppy."

"I realized later that he does everything I say. 'A vampire only bonds to his sire when he has feelings for her before he turns. Human feelings. Vampirism only heightens those emotions'. " I explained and clapped my hands together.

"Now I got it. So Elena is sired to Damon." Jason said and Kol held my phone. "This picture." Kol said and I looked at him. "I know that. The hunter is one of the five."

"Damon said Klaus is back."

"So he'll figure it out himself, too." Kol said.

"What is going on?" Demetri finally asked out loud. We turned our heads to them and Alec was staring me in the eyes.

"There's a hunter running rampant in Mystic Falls who is one of the five when I say me and my brother are better than average vampires. Well this hunter is better than average too." Kol explained and I nodded and looked at the Volturi guards sitting on the couch.

Kol explained about Rebekah and the hunter. Demetri and Alec stared listening. "I know what you're talking about." Caius said entering the room and took a book from the shelf which he threw on the table in front of us.

"Hunters created by a witch. One of the five with a tattoo that no one can see." Caius said and I looked at Kol. "Damon mentioned in the message that Jeremy sees it." I said and Caius eyes met mine.

"So he's a next hunter." Caius mumbled and Kol's eyes widened.

"The hunter has a tattoo that no one can see, the tattoo is a map." Kol explained and I tried to swallow all the news.

"The dagger didn't work on Klaus but he killed the hunter and he suffered the curse, the map leads to the cure."

"What cure?" Alec asked, glancing at Demetri who also had a questioning expression.

"A cure for vampirism."


I walked talking to Damon on the phone and he told me what happened.

Alec appeared from behind me and threw me against the wall. "You could have been more gentle." I said and Alec grinned. "I know you like hard grips." He answered and I smiled. Alec lifted me onto the wall and I wrapped my legs around his hips.

I connected our lips and kissed him. His hands came up and slipped under my shirt. He pressed me against the wall harder and a moan escaped my lips. "Shh." Alec whispered in my ear and his lips traveled over my neck giving passionate kisses.

"Sorry to disturb your passionate moment." Demetri's voice came from behind Alec and he looked up. He had an angry look on his face and turned his head and growled at Demetri.

"Aro wants you in the throne room." Demetri spoke and Alec sighed. "Go ahead I'm coming soon." Alec spoke and Demetri grinned.

I bit my lip looking down and Alec's hand came up to my chin bringing my gaze up to him. He looked me in the eyes.

"We'll pick up where we left off later."

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