Did You Miss Me?

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I sat on the couch, sipping whiskey in my hand, and listened to the girl make a phone call

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I sat on the couch, sipping whiskey in my hand, and listened to the girl make a phone call. After ten minutes the front door opened and they walked in looking at the girl.

"What's wrong?"

The girl pointed at me and their eyes turned to me.

"Hello brothers, did you miss me?" I said with a grin and their eyes widened.

"Madilyn!" Damon said running towards me and I got up to hug him.

"Long time no see, darling." I said letting go and grinning at him. Damon looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"Madilyn." Stefan said and walked closer. From the look on his face, I can tell he's still angry.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, looking at me suspiciously and glancing at the girl next to him.

"Can't I come and say hello to my favorite brothers." I said, winking to Stefan.

"Um Stefan, who is she?" The girl asked, glancing at me.

"Elena this is Madilyn, Madilyn this is my girlfriend Elena." Stefan said introducing us.

"Oh, like Madilyn who changed you guys?" Elena asked confused. I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes same Madilyn." Stefan said looking at Elena.

"Okay Madilyn how long are you going to stay?" Damon asked breaking the silence. "I don't know for a week maybe?" I said looking at Damon with a smile. "Where's your suitcase?" Damon asked glancing at the floor. "In my car." I told him.

"Let's go get it I'll show you to your room so you don't have to stay far away from us." Damon said with a smile and disappeared out the door into the yard. I followed him and saw this Elena giving Stefan a look. Oh uh jealous maybe?

I followed Damon who was carrying my bag towards the room. "What brought you here?" He asked opening the door. "I happened to be nearby and decided to come say hello." I said stepping into the room and glancing around.

"Where's Zach?" I asked.

"I killed him." Damon replied like it's nothing and placed my bag on the bed and now he was standing next to me.

"Ouch, how did Stefan take that?" I asked raising an eyebrow turning to look at the raven haired brother.

"Stefan-like, but he'll get over it." Damon said turning to look me in the eyes.

" That Elena, I guess you like her? Does Stefan know?" I asked in a low voice. "Things are complicated, let's talk about you. What have you been up to for the past year?" He asked changing the supject quickly.

"I've been here and there, Alice called me in March and I went with her and Bella to Italy to rescue Edward." I said and Damon chuckled. "I've been in Italy ever since and now I came with a couple of Volturi guards to America and they went on a mission and I came here." I said sitting on the bed.

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