Beyond Madness

496 9 16

Dragons rising: Season 1 episode 4.

Word count: 2,4k

Warning: nothing

(At the Monastery of Spinjitzu, Riyu chases a butterfly around, while Sora and Y/N tries to fix the SA Mark 01.)

Y/N: Try again, Sora.

Sora: Oh, come on! (She groans.) Weird powers. Why won't you work now?

(Lloyd and B/N watches as Arin takes on the obstacle course.)

Arin: I can do this. This, I can do. (He falls off halfway, and Lloyd does Spinjitzu to get him out.) Thanks, Mast ... uh, Lloyd. I really thought I could do it, but I forgot something. That I'm the worst student in the history of students.

Lloyd: The worst? Remind me to tell you about the time my friend, Jay, the Lightning Ninja, trained in the south wing.

Arin: The monastery doesn't have a south wing.

Lloyd: Not after Jay trained there. (B/N teleports next to Lloyd)

B/N: Let me guess? It went... (Imitates explosion)

Lloyd: (He laughs) Yes, it did. Look, Arin you learn a version of Spinjitzu by Yourself. Totally unheard of, but you have to unlearn some of what you taught yourself, to relearn a more balanced approach.

Arin: Really?

Sora: Well, I don't need to relearn anything, 'cause I never learned anything in the first place! This elemental power stuff's impossible. Even Y/N and B/N has real elemental powers that you don't know.

Lloyd: It took me a long time to tap into my potential. But I did. And you three will, too.

Sora: I'm not even sure I have an elemental power. Tech Power?

Y/N: Even though me and B/N have elemental powers, Life and teleportation powers, we don't even heard about these types of powers.

Lloyd: I haven't heard of them either. But I've studied elemental powers all my life. I'm telling you three, the true power is inside all of you.

Sora: No, I'm pretty sure my powers are Riyu's powers, and I just, like, borrow them or something.

Lloyd: You saw me with the Matriarch. She sent my powers into overdrive. I don't know why dragon energy enhances elemental powers, but those were my powers, not hers.

B/N: If this power is in all of us, how come we can't feel it?

Lloyd: Every elemental master is different. Cole could feel the power of Earth in his guts. Nya said the power of Water flows through her veins. Zane could sense Ice power in his mind.

(Riyu screeches at something beyond the monastery walls.)

Sora: What's got Riyu all worked up?

(They join Riyu on the wall.)

Arin: No way!

Y/N: What am I looking at here?

Lloyd: That's the old Bounty! Kai took that ship to search for the other ninja. This must mean his mission was a success! (The Bounty hurtles towards them without stopping.)

B/N: Incoming!


(The ninja dodge out of the way and watch the Bounty descend.)

Y/N: I'm guessing Kai's mission was not a success.

A new beginning // Ninjago Dragons Rising x Reader and BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now