Land of lost things

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Dragons rising: season 1 episode 16

Word count: 4,4k (This is the longest chapter I made so far, Wow!)

Warning: nothing I think but a special clip at the end.

(In the Wyldness, Kai and Wyldfyre tend to Heatwave.)

Wyldfyre: Heatwave's hurt bad. We have to do something!

Kai: Don't do anything yet. Wait there! (He runs off.)

Wyldfyre: Wait?! I don't wait! Where are you going? You can't leave us!


(In the Land of Lost Things, Nya, Sora and B/N stand before a giant golem.)

Sora: Nya, why does this huge angry monster know your name?

Nya: This monster is Cole. Well, sounds like Cole. Doesn't look like Cole.

Sora: "Cole" Cole? As in the missing Earth Ninja?

B/N: also known as the Hero of Shintaro?

Cole: Huh? Shintaro? (His golem dismantles, and he emerges from it.)

Nya: Cole! I can't believe it!

Cole: Wow. Some you guys's done their homework on me.

Sora: My best friend and his sister are both ninja super fans. My best friend even got a Zane haircut once.

Cole: Please tell me you're kidding.

B/N: I wish she was. But my sister or Arin never said you turned into a giant rock monster.

Cole: Yeah, well, that part's new.

Nya: I wasn't sure we'd ever see you again.

Cole: Did you find everyone else?

Nya: Not yet. Jay is still missing, plus Master Wu, Morro and P.I.X.A.L.

Cole: What about Christina, did you find her?

Nya: Don't worry we found her at the cloud kingdom. But we've got some new teammates. This little guy is Riyu.

Sora: I'm Sora, new ninja-in-training.

B/N: And I'm B/N, the other ninja in training.

Cole: Wow, I missed a lot. You don't get a ton of news here in the Land of Lost Things.

Nya: This is where you woke up after the Merge?

Cole: Yeah. I had no clue where I was. The Finders took me in.

B/N: The Finders?

(Fritz and Spitz pop up behind Sora and B/N.)

Fritz: He means us! I'm Fritz.

Spitz: Ssspitz here! You lose it, we find it. Hence, the Finders.

B/N: I thought I'm the one always popping out of nowhere.

Sora: Woah. So the Land of Lost Things isn't just an Imperium legend? In my old kingdom, when stuff disappeared, everyone said it ended up here. I thought it was just made up for kids.

Cole: No, it's very real. And the lost things can come from anywhere.

B/N: That explains why the Dragon Energy Core is here. Someone lost it.

Cole: Dragon Energy Core?

Nya: It's a power item we need to save the world.

Cole: Still saving the world, huh? Glad to know some things never change. (A trash geyser in the distance interrupts him.) And that's our cue to leave.

A new beginning // Ninjago Dragons Rising x Reader and BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now