Return to Imperium

334 5 34

Dragons rising: Season 1, Episode 6

Word Count: 3,1k

Warning: mild language

This includes Sora (Ana)'s backstory.


(In the Crossroads' junkyard, Rapton and the Claws of the Imperium attack a lightning dragon.)

Rapton: Don't let it escape! You clown. Watch— (He is hit.) Ugh. Get after it! I'll cut it off. (He manages to latch onto the dragon.) Stubborn breeder. Hold the beast!

(Just then, the ninja arrive one by one and fight off Rapton's forces.)

Arin: Coming through!

Y/N: Why hello there.

B/N: We interrupting something?

Rapton: (He growls.) Deploy the drones!

Lloyd: Let's free that dragon!

Kai: (To Arin and B/N) Not bad, kids! You really ... (Arin spins around and hits himself on the face.) ... should probably work on that.

B/N: And maybe stop punching yourself in the face.

Sora: (She approaches the freed dragon.) Shh. It's going to be okay.

Rapton: Hmm. (He activates a device, which forms a beast. Sora looks on in horror.)

Y/N: What the heck is that!?

Kai: It's just a hologram.

Sora: No, it's not!

(Kai is sent flying by the beast. The others attack it to no avail.)

Kai: Is this thing indestructible? Not fair, buddy. Not fair!

Arin: What even is it?

Sora: It's a Photac. A digitally generated, weaponized techno beast, comprised of hard light.

B/N: How do you know that?

Sora: Because when I lived in Imperium, I invented it.


(In a flashback, Sora as a child, then known as Ana, tinkers with a device in an Imperium classroom. She activates the device, which creates a light show. A girl scowls in the background.)

Past Sora: I call it, the Photac! This is just the prototype. When I'm done —

Past Mr. Koenig: Ana, this is already far more advanced than any of the other science fair projects. Is this some kind of a ... a hard light? How did you do this?

Past Sora: I just kinda threw it together, sensing what would work. And I've stayed up til midnight the last eight weeks researching and refining my designs until I got it just right! Wanna see my plans for V2?

Past Mr. Koenig: As intriguing as this is, we mustn't deviate from the mandated curriculum, as dictated by the decree of the Empress Beatrix.

Everyone: All hail the Good Empress!

(Outside, a hologram advertisement plays.)

Male voice: ... keeping your family secure and productive, nothing compares to the dragon energy of Imperium. Clean, safe, powerful, and infinite! All thanks to the Good Empress.

A new beginning // Ninjago Dragons Rising x Reader and BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now