The Love and the Lie

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"Jeanine," I whisper in my breaths as I stop kissing her tender neck. I look up at my love as she strokes my hair. Jeanine wears a small smile.

Something makes my insides melt, and it isn't love-it's guilt. I mean to tell her something. It's in these intimate moments of silence that I want to. I want to tell her that I have an aptitude for Erudite, Amity, and Dauntless, but she would probably kill me. Or make me the least. The worst for me personally would be if I became her lab rat. The thought of her mangling my brain horrifies me.

I bite the side of my lip, but return a smile as to not look suspicious. "I love you," I say, running my lips on her soft ones.

"I love you too," Jeanine replies.

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