Chapter 12

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Karen's POV

Warmth radiates across my shoulders and throughout my back. I finally bring my eyes to open. Amity fields of wheat surround me for miles. The wall-an infrastructure large and concrete- stands in the distance to my right. I slide my hand against a strand of wheat. The golden grooves and hairs are smooth. All of the plants that surround me are ripe. A warm breeze surrounds me. I look up at the clear, blue sky. Its contrast with the plants brings serenity to the landscape around me. This simulation in relation with the real world is symbolized by this difference.

Jeanine told me to be Erudite. I can't enjoy this peace for longer. I turn around to see that the Amity building stands in the distance. The dome sparkles as the Sun beams at its glass. A few Amity mull around in the distance. Their clothes are distinguishable, though they camouflage with the Earth around. I glance at my Erudite garb. Like the sky, it defines me against the wheat.

The wheat surrounding me suddenly sways, with no gust accompanying it. It forces me to jump involuntarily. I scan the area quickly. If this is a simulation, there is most definitely danger just around the corner. There is also a choice to make. That will probably decide whether Jeanine keeps me alive or not. Something golden slithers through the plants near me. Though this situation is unreal, the fear is. I step away. There is a likely chance that it's just a light brown field mouse. I can't panic yet; it would be illogical to do so with a lack of information. Instead, I place one foot behind the other, and retreat in the opposite direction, vigilantly.

I only take several backward steps before feeling the roughness of a wall that was not there minutes ago. Swerving around, it's made of old brick. A rusty door is placed a few meters from where I stand. The golden stems around me rustle. A copperhead snake peeks its head out. Its easily distinguishable by its color and brown saddle shapes, which make up its pattern. In a biology course that took in the past we studied these snakes. They supposedly like many other pit vipers have heat sensory pits which detect temperatures around them. It is absolutely necessary for me to stay serene, just like this environment.

Though I will still be detected due to the fact that I, like most organisms emit heat, calm movements are always better than sudden ones. I spin and press my back against the stone wall. The cold seeps into me, making my chest like summer and my spine winter. Ever so slowly, I inch closer to the metal door on my right. The snake sticks more of its lengthy body out from the field. I bring my hand to the chilling door knob and turn it, swinging the door toward me and sliding into the building before the viper can strike. I slam the door shut with a creak. It echoes throughout the room, and I just have to turn around to see where I am.

The air is musty, like any typical old factory. However, the room is modern and clean. My environment is empty with the exception of two metal tables, and what is on them. Farther away, a staircase leads upward to another section of the building. The staircase resembles the stainless steel tables. I approach the silvery stands. On the left is a photograph of Jeanine. On the right is what seems to be city plans; blue prints for a new structure. "Choose," A voice that resembles Jeanine's in another octave, states. I glance at the picture of my love. Temptation makes my heart ache. The inward pain seeps throughout my veins. I want to choose the picture of Jeanine. Yet Jeanine would not want me to, and if I need to survive, choosing the image would not present that result. I need to present myself as an Erudite would. The question is: what would an Erudite do? If I choose anything, then the opposite result would be eliminated. What if I make the wrong choice?

In the midst of this however, I can still eliminate the photograph and choose the blueprints. The emotional attachment to Jeanine from the photograph is extremely un-Erudite. I wrap my fingers around the slippery pages, and carry it in both arms. I start towards the stairs. Hopefully this simulation will end soon.

Jeanine's POV

Karen is faring well. The fact that she did not follow the Amity eliminates that faction. Due to her decision to not battle the copperhead viper, Dauntless was disqualified. Her choice over the picture of me which represented Abnegation, took out that useless faction. Thank goodness she is not apt for Abnegation. I don't know if I would be able to show mercy, if she did let her emotions get the best of her. While the blueprints present the result for Erudite, she needs to surpass her next obstacle for the simulation to end.

I glance at her heart rate. It has been steadying since the snake portion of the simulation, though it spiked again when she saw the picture of me. I can only hope that she will make the right choices from now on. The faction system gives options to our society. Most factions are equal in the work that they do towards improving this civilization. However what people don't know, is that there is a wrong choice to make among all of these single aptitudes. That terrible wrong, is divergence.

Karen's POV

The distance between the stairs and the tables never seems to end. Yet after walking for what feels like forever, I reach the foot of them eventually. I look up. They lead to another room, which appears to be flooded with light. I make my ascendance upward. My steps echo as my black flats hit the steely stairs. The noise painfully tears through the quiet atmosphere. Like the journey to the steps, getting to the second floor seems to last an eternity. But, Jeanine can manipulate time in simulations. After all, nothing is true in them.

Eventually, I finish my second eternal journey in this unreal reality. At the top, surely enough there are extensive windows. The top room is empty. I mean it this time. There is nothing in sight. Not a table, staircase, chair, or speck of dust surprisingly. I walk further into the room. Perhaps a piece of furniture will appear out of thin air. That seems illogical enough.

"Did you see her?" I hear an unfamiliar voice say. My heart skips a beat, and my lungs pause for a second, before I spin around and face a man. He is from Candor, and appears to be an initiate though I might second guess his age.

"I'm sorry?" I ask.

"Did you see her?"


The boy remains perfectly poised. Almost too perfectly. He appears stiff as he doesn't move at all. "Did you see the photo of the woman?"

Oh! Jeanine! I did see her, but if I tell him, then I also would be telling the truth. His apparent faction inspires me to consider that. I know that I only kept a secret from my love. Though her perspective might see otherwise. I don't want to lie anymore. I am done with hiding everything, even if I am in Erudite. In this case though, I have to lie again. Just so that I can get a result for Erudite. Because I need to.

"No, I did not see the woman. The moment I saw these blueprints, I just had to take them. They seemed of importance, and I thought that Jeanine Matthews would be here, to give these plans to."

"Are you sure you didn't even glance at the picture?"

"No sir," I needed to behave like the person I've been faking as for the past ten years. "If you will excuse me, I must go and file these building directions to the rightful leader of this city."

The Candor narrows his eyes at me, taking my words into consideration. "Fine." I consciously decide to glare at him in the most accusingly way possible, as he turns and walks downstairs. His steps don't ring out like mine did though. That is how I know that this is all unreal. It's ironic. The Erudite who ever so believe in logic, create illogical simulations where unrealistic matters can occur.

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