Chapter 11

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Jeanine's POV

I sigh, glancing at every screen to ensure that nothing has gone aloof. Every prisoner is rightfully in their cells. My faction mulls about completing their work. Everything appears peaceful again. Clear.

"Should anyone find out the situation that was replaced, so should they also know of your expulsion from this faction," I mutter. The words are harsh, and unlike how I treat my best prisoner, Karen, but the guards are not her. They are not like her. No one is.

I start to exit the room when Adam, the security officer on the left pipes up. "Dr. Matthews...we have an issue." I spin around slowly to face the glowing screens and am drawn to the bottom right corner. "One cell is open." I stare at Karen, stalking to the front of the door. My heart pounds. If she leaves then the guards may harm her in their chase.

"I will tend to it."

Karen's POV

I peer outside of my cell. How long has it been? How long have I been locked up in this cell? I don't even know the time.

Faint and far away, I hear Jeanine's heels. The sound echoes off of the white walls. I peer into the hallway that splits into two and in a splash of color Jeanine appears, cold. Her heels bang louder against the floor as she nears. The claps are a pencil smacking against paper. It echoes throughout the hallway. I want to ebb away. Seeing her emotionless survey of me brings a reoccurring feeling of uncertainty. I will myself not to retreat into the depths of the white box, but instinctively place one foot behind the other.

I blink and she is paused directly in front of me. The door is closed. My chance of freedom is demolished like a bombed building, falling back down into the ground that it was built from. I gaze into Jeanine's vibrantly watery eyes. Their metallic grey resembles the waves in the arctic ocean. Suddenly before I can think anymore, a burn blazes across my left cheek. The arctic waves climb higher as a storm erupts nearly engulfing me, even though I don't stand a chance. Jeanine does not say a word. Her palm is pink. She stares at me, and I can understand every sentence that she would say if she did open her luscious lips.

"Your execution will be scheduled in less than a week."

My throat goes dry; my tongue becomes a desolate desert. Numbness overcomes my hands and feet. My head feels like it will explode with grief. Why does note of an execution feel so terrible? I knew that this would happen. It always does, so then why?

I expect Jeanine to leave, but she stays put. Her eyes show more than rage now. There is a hidden meaning behind her words, and its in her hopeful gaze. I take in a shuddering breath, and my love leans in and murmurs into my ear, "I love you, and you will not be exterminated if you abide by my directions. We will now go into the lab to re-screen you for your divergence. You must manipulate the program to give you Erudite. Understand?"

I bite my lip, trying to fight off my urge to rush into her arms. The thought of her touch warms me. I nod, still not daring to even glance at Jeanine. "If you do not receive an aptitude for Erudite, then our options will become limited." A certain warmth radiates from her breaths as she is near me. It dissipates as she leans away. The world becomes chilly and sterile again. Jeanine grips my arm aggressively, squeezing it like a boa constrictor, before letting go and turning away. The door creaks as she opens it and walks out of my designated cell. "Come," She gestures to me. I have to follow her, and I do.

We walk back into the lab room that I was in before. Jeanine and I are the only ones in the room, and she prepares a syringe before attending to me. I lie down on the reclinable chair, so that she won't scold me. In moments, Jeanine returns with a blue filled syringe and needle. She places it on the metal table beside me, before proceeding to reach for a monitor. Jeanine presses roughly against my forehead, attaching adhesive pads throughout my head. When finished, my love looks into my eyes with a slight smile. So small that unless you lived with her for some time, and were someone she cared about, you would not notice it. Jeanine finally takes a seat next to me in a doctor's stool. "You look like a medical doctor," I croak.

"Well, I do have my medical degree. You know that," Jeanine replies. "Just... complete the simulation, and only process your thoughts as an Erudite would." She reaches for the syringe and needle. I bite my inner lip. "Why so nervous?" Jeanine asks when returning her gaze to me.

"What gave it away?"

"The monitor and your lips. Don't consider that I don't notice them," Jeanine flirts. She brings the tip of the needle to my neck. It pricks my skin with a gelid sensation. I flinch. Jeanine raises an eyebrow at me. My cheeks grow hot. She gives her small smile again, and I feel the needle slide into my neck, breaking through tissue, and the serum as it pours into my veins. Jeanine takes the needle out quickly and swerves to the monitor. From my peripheral view, her manicured finger pushes a button down. I feel heavy, like my blood has been replaced with liquid lead, and drowsiness overcomes me.

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