Chapter 1

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Karen's POV

The light that passes through the window in our bedroom is what wakes me up, but it could be my internal "clock". I strain to look at the silver clock on the wall across from the window. It's 7:47 in the morning. I sigh. The bed is too comfortable to leave, but we have to get to work.

I turn to Jeanine. The covers are so loud in the stillness of our dorm, but it doesn't wake my lover up. I wrap my arms around her waist, and kiss her neck. Jeanine's eyes slowly open, revealing watery grey eyes. They're so beautiful. "Good morning Jeanine," I whisper.

She moves her arms out of the navy blue covers and stretches, putting them around me. "Good morning," She returns.

"We have to get up," I remind. I scoot out of our sheets. Jeanine stares at me and doesn't move. Seeing her assistant getting ready for their day at work makes her move though. Jeanine comes to me after slipping out of the blue sheets. As I put on my blazer, watching the mirror, she puts her hands on my shoulder. Together, we look into the mirror that we face, but we're each focused on each other. Jeanine runs her hands down my shoulders, and my arms, and my hands. Once reaching the ends of my fingers, she runs her grip down to my waist, where she hugs me to her from there. Jeanine rests her chin on my shoulder.

"Seriously Jeanine," I warn. My lover kisses my cheek before walking off to choose her clothes for the day.

"Karen," Jeanine says a few minutes later to get my attention. "Should I wear the light blue dress with the V- neck, or the dark blue one with the black blazer that I have?" She asks, holding up the two outfits.

"I think that you look sexier in the light blue dress, Jeanine,"

A small smile arises on Jeanine's face and she puts the dark blue dress in our closet. She slips on the light blue dress, and I have to resist the urge to look at where the two parts that form the "V" meet. Jeanine notices. "Come on," She guides, as we walk into the bathroom connected to our bedroom.

We follow our usual routine. I sit on a small stool in from of the bathroom mirror. Since I am younger, Jeanine usually volunteers to do my hair first. Or maybe she just wants to be first. "Why do you like to do my hair first Jeanine?" I ask.

"If you were last, the comfort would follow you, whereas the person who would have their hair brushed first, would have to stay later, and the feeling would leave them before they left the front door," Jeanine replies as I situate myself on the silver stool.

She runs her long fingers through my plasma blonde hair, and pulls a strand out, placing it behind my ear and sticking two blue bobby pins into my hair. Shivers run down my back when she plays with my hair. The rest of my hair, she twists up neatly until it can be made into a bun. She finishes with placing more blue bobby pins into my hair. I admire her ability to make buns so perfectly and neat. "I wish that I could be as good at making buns as you Jeanine," I comment.

"I don't look good in buns anyway Karen," Jeanine says as we switch our places. Soon, I am the one playing with someone's hair. I brush Jeanine's hair thoroughly. While I need to look neat, the leader of Erudite needs to look presentable and perfect. Jeanine closes her eyes in comfort. I take the curling iron and soon Jeanine has small wavy curls at the ends of her hair. She opens her eyes and she kisses my cheek.

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