Chapter 10

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Warning: mature content signified with ***

Jeanine's POV

I sigh as my pen scratches the papers for Karen's death. I do love her, even if she is one of them. Yet she has broken over four crimes, exclusive to Erudite. Her punishment will be enhanced by the severity of them. Right now, I can only look towards condemning my love to life long imprisonment, or an execution. I don't want to consider ordering her death though. I huff a sigh in frustration and set my writing utensil on my desk.

I feel tears on the verge of coming out, and I immediately try to ignore them. "If you ignore them, they might go away,"
"The human brain Jeanine, is an extremely complex organ. It is yet to be fully discovered."
I feel the urge to restate my question to my mother, but she adds on, " And if your curiosity is never fulfilled, pursue that."

I need to visit the labs. I need to see her; I need to talk to Karen about everything, and not as an interrogator, but as someone who still cares about her. My curiosity is what she wants her future to be, and I shall pursue it.

Karen's POV

I twist around in the blue throw that I was given to keep me warm throughout the night. Falling asleep seems impossible against a chilly metallic floor.

I sigh and look up at the blank ceiling. I know that I have broken nearly all of Erudite's anti-divergent laws. It wouldn't surprise me if Jeanine executed me now. The thought makes my insides shrivel. Isn't it fascinating, how one truth can demolish something so powerful-- true love between two people.

The door jolts open with a bang, and my heart skips a beat. For the time being, I have really only experienced guards in my cell, but who I see now, makes them seem like fluffy, soft lambs. Jeanine slips silently into my prison room, her heels for once never seem to make a sound. She glides with the quiet nature of a ghost, or death itself. My love pauses in front of me, gently taking out a silver remote from her deep blue lab coat. The remote contains only a single switch, and resembles the controls that we use to turn off individual cameras. I am suddenly reminded of the surveillance in this very room.

Instinctively, I speedily get up from the ground. Keeping the blanket tight around me, We gaze at each other for more than enough time. Jeanine steps forward and I internally tense up. For all I know, she might kill me any second now. Instead, I watch as she only moves her fingers to flick the switch on the remote the other way. The camera in the corner of my cell instantly appears to die as it turns off.
And I don't even have time to turn around and face Jeanine before she rushes into me and slams me against the metallic wall. The coldness seeps into my back in a burning rush, but Jeanine's lips smack into mine instantly heating me with a sensation of fireside warmth. Her hands run all over my body, caressing my arms and hips. She holds me in place too hard for me to even move, and moves her pink lips all over mine. Jeanine isn't a teaser, but today she bites my bottom lip before wedging her tongue through my lips.

I can imagine that the kiss isn't good for her because my lips must be extremely dry by now. Nevertheless, my love continues to attack my mouth, moving outside to my jawline and down my neck. The kisses are perfection, just like her but Jeanine suddenly stops as she reaches the neckline of my black jumpsuit. She moves away to take me in. We stare into each others eyes. Her sharp grey ones are hypnotizing, especially when her pupils are locked on you with passion. 

She sighs, "I love you, Karen. As illogical as it is, I don't think that I can ever stop caring for you. Even with your..." She gulps, " divergence." My heart melts and I feel her lips on mine again. I taste mint. Classic Jeanine. She presses her body against mine as she latches her hands onto my shoulders. Jeanine undoes my now messy, bun. She continues to explore my mouth with her tongue while rubbing up against me.

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