Chapter 7

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Karen's POV

I wake up to Jeanine gently combing her fingers through thin strands of my hair. The light from the window behind me casts a yellow glow over Jeanine's face. It makes her look angelic. The beam also heats the bed, so that even if Jeanine wasn't snuggled in the sheets beside me, I still wouldn't want to leave the comfort of bed. But I have to. It may be a Saturday, but for faction members, that does not mean a day off. Especially for Erudite's sole representative and her assistant. I grunt and Jeanine laughs as she realizes the thought that I've come to. Slowly, Jeanine slips out of the blue covers first, and then changes the sleep number to the most uncomfortable position I think that I've ever been in, in my entire life. I crawl out of bed and walk to the closet like one of Romero's zombies.

While I choose my clothes for the day, Jeanine starts towards the bathroom. In no time, she's out and I go in. Inside, the mirror is foggy and the air is humid but I just continue with putting the fan on. The water is warm, but I save washing my hair for the evening since we don't have much time. Jeanine frowns at me when I get out of the bathroom wearing a neat blue sweater and khaki colored pants. "Is something wrong?" I ask.

Jeanine shakes her head and the two of us start towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Jeanine cooks this morning and I sit down by the table to read the newspaper and feed information to her. "Today, two Factionless men attacked a Dauntless guard. Both men were shot in defence by the Dauntless who was provoked. The guard came out of the turmoil with only a few scratches and a black eye. " I read out-loud so that Jeanine can hear the story. I move on to the next issue. " Evelyn Eaton, spouse of counsel member Marcus Eaton, (Abnegation) mysteriously died on Friday morning..." Jeanine nearly spits out the coffee that she's drinking.

"How didn't we know about this?" She asks. "Do you think that he's devastated?" She asks excidly.

"I.. don't.. know." I reply, unsure of Markus Eaton's psychology.

"After signs, we can probably file a report to the counsel that Marcus Eaton is too depressed to lead a faction, and this city, and then gain more leverage over the counsel!" Jeanine plots.

"Sure.." I say, more un-sure of whether that would be a good idea. I decide to continue with the article. "Marcus Eaton, Tobias Eaton (son), and the Abnegation community are devastated by her death. They will remember Evelyn Eaton well, and pray for her." I finish. Jeanine continues in her cooking. Within minutes, she hands me a plate filled with eggs and toast. The two of us munch on our breakfast.

"Can I ask you something?" Jeanine starts. Inside of me, I both groan and begin to panic. I know what's coming. "Is there something you need to tell me, because I've noticed that you're a bit off lately?"

"How so?" I ask, trying to stall my answer.

"You just haven't been as...happy around me," Jeanine says. "Am I doing something?"

I feel like ping pong ball suddenly was lodged in my esophagus. I want to tell her, but I can't. I gulp. "No, nothing's wrong," I quickly say. The concern on Jeanine's face doesn't disappear.

"You can tell me."

I shake my head, with tears on the verge of coming out. "It's alright," Jeanine says assuringly. I can't fight them. Soon tears begin to fill my eyes and drip down my face. I close my eyes but feel Jeanine gently guide me from my seat to the bed. I wipe the tears away when we get there. "Why don't you want to tell me?" She asks.

"There would be terrible consequences," I say.

"Like what?" Jeanine gently asks.

Slowly, I'm falling into admitting my secret. "Death?" I whisper, feeling the tears well up in my eyes again.

"Why?" Jeanine says.

I can't hide it anymore. I can't avoid this. "Promise me you won't do anything?" I ask.

Jeanine thinks for a moment before saying, "I promise."

"You won't do anything?" I strain.

"Nothing," Jeanine promises.

I can't hide it. And it hurts me. But here goes. I look Jeanine in the eye with fear.

"I'm Divergent."

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