20 (+18)

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5 days since we last spoke, and since then, nothing. Not a message.
I'm so confused. He's said he missed me, and then he hadn't sent a thing.

Calm down, Amora. You're not dating. He doesn't need to send a thing.

'Bye, guys. See you Monday!' I waved and bowed at the crew in the office before leaving. I do love Fridays. No work on the weekend.

I made my way out to the freedom, heading for the station when I got scared shitless out of nowhere by someone popping over my shoulder.

'Excuse me, miss, would you like to come home with me?'

I didn't even need to look up to recognize that honey-sweet voice that could melt through the concrete wall.

'Jimin...' I barely whispered his name as I got stuck staring at him

He's here. That sculpted face, those incredible eyes, those magnificent lips... he's really here. It feels like I haven't seen him in a year.

'Can you please get into my car so I can take you home and kiss you from head to toe? Please?' He swallowed hard and licked his lips, looking at mine

I nodded like a mindless idiot, 'Home.'

'Home.' He repeated after me, and then we almost ran to his car

I kept gazing at him the entire time he was driving, almost speeding part of the way. His hand kept gripping the steering wheel like his life depended on it, and the other one was glued to the gear shift, changing gears like he's driving a rally race.

Until we stopped, I hadn't realised that I've never been to his place before. This looks like a fancy building, though. But I don't have time for that.

I followed after him and got out of the car, and only seconds later, his fingers were tightly laced with mine as he pulled me along, walking really fast towards the elevator in the garage of the building.

He pressed number 7 on the pad, and as soon as the elevator door closed, his lips were on mine.

He pinned me against the metal wall, breathing harshly through the kisses, pulling on me like I'm not close enough even though he was stuck to me. Not that I was better, tangling my fingers into his hair and not letting him pull away.

'Do - door.' He managed to mumble between the kisses, pulling me away from the wall and out of the elevator, but not pulling away from my lips.

'One - second.' He smiled, pecking me quickly as we got to a black, blindo door, and he unlocked them in a few seconds, pulling me in.

And whatever it was that happened in the elevator, this was 10 times worse.

'Come here.' He almost growled as he pushed me into some dresser or some kind of cabinet, kissing me so aggressively that the things started falling all over the floor, but neither one of us were bothered by it. We were burning up for each other.

He kept pulling me and pushing me all over the place, and we knocked over so many things in the way, but we made it to his room.

It was almost animalistic how quickly we got each other naked. We were panting and catching breath before we even did anything but kiss.

'I'm sorry, baby. I can't be gentle right now. I want you so bad.' He growled and bit into my neck, sucking on it so hard that it hurt

'Be as rough as you want, baby.' My nails were almost digging into his shoulder at the feeling of his lips on my skin

'Tell me if you want me to stop.'

'Why would I-' I cut myself off with a moan that was more of a scream. I knew right away what he meant.

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