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I don't think I've ever been happier. These last few days have been pure bliss. 

He loves me. He wants everyone to know that he does.

We agreed to tell Yoongi tomorrow. He deserves to know. I know he will be hurt, but I can't live my life by hiding things because he can't accept my choice.

I was still in my own mind, thinking of Jimin because I can't focus on anything else, when I heard my name.

I turned to the source of the voice, to see Pang on his office door, smiling lightly at me.

'Yes?' I respond, wiping my grin from my face

'Would you mind joining me here for a moment, please?' He gestured to his office

'Umm...' I looked around to see that the place is pretty much empty. It was the end of the day so everyone already went home. What could he possibly want now? 'Sure.'

I sighed deeply, trying to keep my annoyance hidden as I walked past him inside the office.

'Amora, I need your help with something.' I heard a click being muffled by his words, and I turned around to look at him, but he wasn't holding anything to create a clicking sound. I probably imagined it.

'What can I do, Mister Pang?'

'I made it crystal clear that I want you to call me Hoolin.' He sighed, putting both of his hands in his pockets

'And I made it ever clearer that it won't happen. So, unless you have an actual job for me, I would like to go. I have plans.' A feeling deepin my gut is telling me to run. It's screaming at me.

'I have a job. A perfect one for you.' That creepy smirk made it's appearance. 'Take it off. That little dress of yours.'

'Excuse me?!' I spat out at him, ready to slap the life out of him

'You heard me. You take it off or I'm taking it off for you.' He started walking towards me and I walked back, slamming into his desk. God knows how many things I threw on the ground as the thuds and hits of items falling on the carpet echoed in my ears.

'That will not happen even over my dead body.' 

'Oh, but it will. See, we are all alone, Amora. You can scream all you want, but no one will hear you.' He chuckles, stepping right in front of me


'Is not here is he? Your precious boyfriend can't save you right now, honey.' He pushed me so hard that I almost fell over the desk, hitting my leg in the corner of it, making me whine in pain. This is gonna hurt.

'Now we can do this easy or hard way. Either you listen and do what I tell you to, or I am about to get very rough with you, and then you'll wish you've listened.' He pulled on my shirt so roughly that two buttons flew away as they ripped from the force, leaving my tomach to peek through the little gaps

'That's better.' He went for my shirt again but I slapped him right across the face infear and anger

'Get the fuck away!'

'That's now nice.' He took off his glasses and tossed them aside, becoming more aggresive.

It turned into a fight as he was trying to get me on that desk, trying to either rip my shirt open, which he managed to do with all the pulling and gripping, or to lift me skirt.

I kept hitting him wherever I could, scratching and fighting away, but he managed to push me back with force, ripping my shirt completely open. Out of 7 buttons, 2 were left on the hem of it, loosely hanging by a thread as the rest of them were scattered around the room, god knows where.

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