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I packed a full suitcase of things, mostly just throwing my clothes in there, and took off for Daegu.

I don't have nothing to worry about. I left the company since Hoolin attacked me. I don't have anyone I'm crazy close to besides my brother, and he knows where I am. And I don't have a boyfriend. 

It was a long few hours of driving, but it gave me some peace and quiet. At least until I got to my house. That's when all hell broke loose.

I may have forgotten to tell my parents that I'm coming home with all the mess in my head, but that didn't matter it seems.

They both ran out the moment the saw me park in the driveway, and almost pulled me out of the car, hugging me like I've been gone for the last 10 years, not half a year. But I needed this.

'Omma, Appa.' I felt like I was wrapped up in the warm, loving blanket, with both of them giggling like kids

'Why didn't you tell us that you were coming home?!' My mom was sort of whining, but she had the biggest smile on her face

'How else would it be a surprise if I told you?' I force a laugh as I come up with a quick lie.

I can't just tell them that I got my heart broken and that I can't handle the pain on my own so I ran to avoid him. 

'Did Yoo come with you?' My dad squints, looking into my car

'No, Oppa, he was busy. But he might come. He said he will try. He is buried with his production stuff.' 

'He better. I will smack some sense into that boy when I see him. Leaving home for so long...'

Yoongi is a carbon copy of my father, at least when it comes to behaviour. They seem cold and hesitant to open up. They always seem disinterested, and neither of them likes to show physical affection. But they also do. As much as they complain, once you hug them, they melt. My mom always called them cats, because they are much alike. 

'Come on, honey. Let's get you in.' My mom practically stole my suitcase as she ran ahead, pulling me along. As if I hadn't spent over 20 years of my life in this house...

'You lost some weight, honey. Have you been eating? You're pale.' 

'Mom, you have been saying that since I was 13. Nothing changed.' I laughed it off, but the truth is that I have indeed lost quite a bit of weight. I just haven't been able to eat lately, but the pain has no issue eating me up instead.

'You go and settle in. I'll make some dinner, and then you will tell us all about Seoul.' 

'Okay.' There is no point arguing. I just went up the stairs to my old room which is still the same as I left it, just emptier as I took everything with me when I moved

I sat down on my bed and looked out the window, taking in all the sights that bring me back to my old, simpler life. The house over where the neighbours always leave an open window for their car. A little kid's park that is teaming with kids screaming and playing. A little bakery at the corner of the street that makes the entire street smell like freshly baked croissants early in the morning. 

I missed this, but even so, it doesn't feel like I thought it would. I don't feel as relieved or peaceful as I hoped. I just don't feel... anything. Glad to be here, but I'm not happy. I'm just... here...


She sent me a message that she arrived safe and sound, and she probably wouldn't have if I hadn't sent her about 15 messages first. She is just too heartbroken to even think. And even if he is the one who broke her, he is the same way.

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