Chapter 4

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Lucas' pov

As we're walking out we hear voices from the kitchen

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As we're walking out we hear voices from the kitchen. “Why are they even here mom, they dress like hood rats and reek of cigarettes and alcohol ” said Dante
“Don't say that about your siblings we don't know the whole story” Daniella said trying to defend us.
“For all we know Lucas could be a thief and Laureline could be a whore” said Lorenzo
“Mom send them away we don't need them” Damon said
I feel Lia loosen her grip on my hand, I turn to look at her and see tears in her eyes, I know she was hoping that they weren't fake people and this only broke her heart. She runs up to her room and bumps into Fabian on her way.
By the time she's gone I am fuming in rage that they made my sister cry Daniella tries to explain but I lose it. “Who the fuck do you think you people are making my sister cry is where I draw the line. You're no better than us you're nothing but a bunch of useless pieces of shit who think they're special because they have money and Dante if you want a cigarette just say so” as I throw one at him.
He charges at me saying “you should watch who I'm talking to”seeing him getting fired up made me feel amused and I give him a devilish smirk and walk away but before that I tell them to stay away from my sister or they'll be consequences.

Laureline's pov

After running to my room I could hear Luca shouting at everyone and I knew that he wasn't gonna let it go so easy

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After running to my room I could hear Luca shouting at everyone and I knew that he wasn't gonna let it go so easy. I was on my knees crying by the corner in my room when Luca knocked on the door but I didn't wanna answer. He knocked again and this time not so gentle “LAURELINE OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!! ”
I ran to open the door cause I know how he gets when he's angry. I open the door and I give him a hug and cry. He tells me that it's gonna be fine and that I shouldn't listen to them.

I calm down and to break the silence he says “I threw my cigarette at Dante, now I really need it” I laugh, “It's not funny” he says looking at me with a serious look on his face “feel better?” he asks
“Yeah” I say feeling a little calmer than I did minutes ago. “Good. Next time don't cry just say fuck you and smile”. We spent the rest of the day making fun of everyone who made us sad in the house and making up funny stories.

Fabio's pov

After telling the twins the rules, Lucas  grabs Laureline's hand and they walk out

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After telling the twins the rules, Lucas  grabs Laureline's hand and they walk out. “He acts just like the both of you ” Lucian says with a chuckle. Fabian and I look give him an eyebrow and he keeps quiet. We end up discussing business only for a short while and when we leave the office to go to the kitchen. Laureline bumps into Fabian and heads for her room. In the kitchen Lucas and Dante are fighting over something and the only thing I am thinking is what did Dante do. As I look around I can see the guilty faces of my other children this made me think that they said something to the twins.
As Lucas turns to leave he warns all of us to stay away from Laureline or there would be consequences. He said it in such a deadly manner that I knew it'd come down to bloodshed if we didn't listen, I know this because I have the same look when I'm dealing with the mafia.
“Don't just stand there explain! ” I shout as I am getting irritated of seeing guilt on their faces.

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