Chapter 14

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Damon's pov

When the twins came back we were all relieved but Dad was worried because of how skinny and exhausted they looked and after Lucas threw cigarettes at Dante during their fight

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When the twins came back we were all relieved but Dad was worried because of how skinny and exhausted they looked and after Lucas threw cigarettes at Dante during their fight. It brought questions to everyone on why he had them. Dad asked Dante and I to look into their foster parents and where they lived in Idaho so we can figure out a little on Laureline and Lucas.

Most people in the area that they lived in were either poor or of middle class. It's a small community. We gathered that their foster parents David and Simone weren't working. Simone was a stripper but she got to old and no one wants an old stripper. David had money coming in but we don't know from where. He was also a drug dealer selling to adults at bars and clubs. There was no record of him selling to children but we couldn't be sure. That's all the information we could gather but people say that a man by the name Richard Walker knew everything about David since they were best friends. Unfortunately he's in a coma after getting mugged outside his home.
We gave dad the information and waited for this Richard guy to wake up or we'll wait for the twins to tell us about their lives.

Lucas's pov

On Wednesday we all went to school

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On Wednesday we all went to school. Fabio said we shouldn't go yesterday to avoid questions and drama and to let everyone's attention shift to something else. Laureline wants me to meet her new friend, she seems to like this girl a lot because she says they have a lot in common. I'm happy for her but u can't shake the feeling that something about this friend of hers is too perfect.
"Can I at least know her name? "I ask getting tired of hearing about her. She laughs a little and says "Her name is Mandy, she's really amazing and I want to be her friend so please don't ruin this for me". By ruining this for her means sleeping with her friends or embarrassing them into hating her. The reason I did that is because some if not all of Lia's friend have had a crush on me and use her to spend time with me. I sleep with them cause they don't scare easy, if I threaten them, they tell Lia that I'm trying to stop them from being friends or say they'll leave her alone for a one nighter. Lia's friends are hot and sometimes I need a break from drama to just let loose with someone. I used to spread rumors about her friends in the school and they'd blame Lia for it and hate me even more. She doesn't understand that they're using her so I make her understand the hard way.
"I won't " I say while rolling my eyes.

We get to the school and I see the fake girl who tried to hit on me and her 3 friends or should I say puppets coming our way before I can tell Lia to grab her book from her locker she walks up to that girl and hugs her. To say I'm shocked is an understatement.
"Luca, this is Mandy my new friend, and Mandy this is Lucas"
"Hi, it's nice to meet you " Mandy says I stare her up and down and drag Lia to a corner
"Luca what are you doing, that's rude!"
"Lia you can't be friends with her"
"Why are you trying to ruin my friendship, they're all really nice. Why do you think that everyone becomes my friend just for you. I can make friends on my own Luca. Just give her a chance, please."
"Fine but only one chance" I say with a sigh
The bell rings and she leaves me in the hall to go to class with her friends. I turn to get to my class and bump into Enzo and Carter "You look pissed" they say at the same time, "fuck off" I say walking to class.

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