Chapter 35

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3rd person's pov

While Kirill, Karina, Laureline and The twins are on the island. Daniella, Koroleva, Damon and Dante are taking care of the main warehouse shared by the Russians and Italians that was taken over by Arlo's gang.

“So, how are we doing this?” Dante asks looking ready for anything.
“Well we were thinking block 3 exits, leaving with the front and that's where we'll attack. They have 2 choices die or leave” Koroleva says.
“That could work and it saves us the trouble of chasing after them”
“How are we gonna close the entrances? ” Damon asks
“One of you is going to have to disguise yourselves as one of them and start a fight in the middle of the warehouse. It should be big enough to grab all their attention, while we close the exits with chains” Daniella explains
“Who's starting the fight?” The twins look at each other and raise their fists for a game of rock, paper, scissors.
Damon raises a rock and Dante raises a scissors. Dante curses and wears a disguise just like the members of the Mexican mafia.

“Here we go”
They all take different entrances and wait for all the men to go into the warehouse.
Dante finds the perfect person to piss off. A man named Tiny which is a contrast to his large size. Dante walks to Tiny and bumps into him
“Sorry there little man, I'm a little clumsy” Dante says to the fuming giant.
“Who are you calling little man?”
“Uhh... you. Your name is Tiny right? So what's the problem if I call you little man”
“Don't call me little man!” Tiny shouts getting most people's attention.
“Oh it's some sort of traumatic thing for you. Sorry Little man. I hope you get over it” Before Dante can say any more a massive fist comes his way. He dodges it and grabs a wooden block of  wood on his left hitting Tiny with it on his back. It has minimal effect as Tiny turns his head to a shocked Dante. Tiny grabs Dante throwing him across the room. He's pushed back into the circle and start dodging Tiny's hits but making sure that everyone stays entertained. Dante pushes a man in front of Tiny and Tiny hits the man with a punch. The man joins in the fight and so do his friends. Dante sneaks away from the fight while the other three are locking the doors with chains.

They all meet at the front door and Daniella says
“Good job sweetie”
Koroleva raises her gun in the air and fires a shot gaining everyone's attention.
“Good evening gentleman, ladies and others. We are here to take back what's rightfully ours. You have two options, either you give us your weapon and surrender or we kill you. I don't know about the Italians but we Russians aren't big on patience... Well at least not my family” Koroleva says with a laugh.
“So what's it gonna be?” Damon asks and they all raise their weapons at the four of them.
“Uh uh, I wouldn't do that if I were you. You think we'd come here without a plan. It doesn't end well for you” Dante explains
“Come on guys, you can't be afraid of getting hurt now can you” Daniella says while Damon and Dante head outside the main door so they can also lock it up when Koroleva and Daniella head out.
“Going once”
“Going twice”
Some decide to surrender but by the time the other tried to leave his partner shot him for his disloyalty to the Mexicans and Arlo.
Daniella and Koroleva took this as the right moment to head out. The creek sound of the door caught everyone's attention and with a smile the ladies said “Bye” shut the doors and turned on the bomb.

They all run to the car since two minutes is not a lot of time.
“Hmm I guess you boys got your cooking lesson after all”
They all laugh in victory and head home.

Fabian, Lucian and Katya are all dressed formally. They have been going to all their former allies trying to get them to not join hands with Arlo. Out of the twenty that they asked only four refused. They were not needed anymore so they did not beg them to stay. There was only one left, his name is Greg Rivera. He is someone they wanted to have on their side not because he could take them down or because they needed him. It was just so he doesn't run loose and pose a threat. They needed to put him on a tight leash.

They ring his door bell and Greg opens the door smiling.
“Ahh, if it isn't the Russo's and the young Petrov all in one place”
He shakes the boys hands and gives Katya a kiss on the cheek and as soon as he turns around she wipes it off.
“Can I get you all a drink? ”
“No. We just came here to talk business. We have been made aware that you are inclined into doing business with the Mexicans” Fabian says trying to get straight to the point
“Yes, Arlo did make me a deal, one I can't refuse, it's better than yours”
“Well we'd like for you to stay”
“Then make me a better offer”
“No? If you want me to stay give me more. More money, more connections, mor- ” before he can continue Lucian says
“Arlo won't last long and you sticking with him doesn't do you any good. You won't have allies like us and you know it”
“Fabian, Lucian, let's just leave he's clearly not serious about his business and we can't force him to be. Mr Rivera at least you gave us an ear. We shall take our leave” as they're walking out Katya continues to say “Don't come crawling back. Our ties end here. Good luck Greg”
They all walk out exhausted. They lost some allies but atleast they kept their most valuable ones.
“Let's go get a drink” Lucian says as he starts the car.

The only team left is the one of Lucas, Fabio, Killian and Emilio. All of the efforts do not matter if they cannot stop Arlo for good.

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