Chapter 27

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Meanwhile in Russia

Meanwhile in Russia

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Killian's pov

My name is Killian Petrov and I'm 16 years old

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My name is Killian Petrov and I'm 16 years old. I am the son of Koroleva (41) and Kirill Petrov (43) who is Pakhan of the Bratva.

I haven't been with my family long, I was kidnapped when I was 2 and was held in captivity for 6 years of my life. I wasn't alone, I was kidnapped with two others, they were like my family, my best friends, Lucas and Laureline . We knew everything about each other. The man who kidnapped us had forced us to become his 'little soldiers' teaching us how to fight, hack, steal and lie. What a life right. We escaped and were living in an orphanage in the US. When I was 10, I was taken away from them and sent to a foster home.

The people who took me in was a couple, it was a sweet lady who was married to an abusive man.
The man had an AK47 and would scare me with it whenever I talked back to him or he'd beat me to a pulp and leave the sweet lady to take care of my wounds. One day the man was extremely drunk, he wanted to kill me but she told me to run and never look back. That's when I started living on the streets until someone who worked for my father recognized me and I came back home. It wasn't easy adjusting to a normal/not so normal life. I found out they were the Bratva and they were all suprised that I knew what it is. Well you spend 6 years with a criminal. It was hard but I became the best at everything hacking, stealing, fighting. They say I'm my father's prodigy.

We just found out that some guy named Arlo is looking for me, he's from the Mexican Mafia and is the brother of Carlos. I'm guessing he wants me because I know all Carlos secrets. This time I'm not letting anyone take me from my family and the ultimate price they'll have to pay for even trying is death by my hands.

"So what's the plan? " I ask my father with an emotionless face
"You tell me about your past"
"Killian Petrov! " he yells at me, I stare at him and he sighs.
I haven't told my family about the abuse I faced my whole life and I don't really want them to. I think my mom has the idea that I was tortured but she respects my decision on keeping  it to myself. She's just waiting for me to tell her all on my own.

My mother, Koroleva yells that dinner is ready. We get to the dining room and my sisters are both siting down waiting for us.
"What were you two talking about? You both look tense" I just stare at my older sister, Katya and start eating. I still have a bad eating habit but at least I eat. My mother even makes food to suit the amount of food I can eat, I didn't have to ask her.
"Oookay" she says realizing she won't get an answer.

Katya(19) is 3 years older than me while Karina(18), my other sister, is only 2 years older than me.
I'm drinking some water when my sister decides to get up from her seat I see a red dot on her and tackle her to the ground shouting "Get down!" to the rest of my family.

We all take out our guns ready to kill anyone who walks through our doors. We're all taking cover when they throw granades through our shattered windows. We run to the emergency room and hear the loud boom of the granades. We grab the keys to a military like car and go into the garage we grab some guns and Katya takes the wheel. We push through the gate not bothering to open it as gun shots are being fired at us.
"How did we not see this coming? " Katya says in a shocked and angry voice.
"I don't know but this is way bigger than we think" My father says
"It must be one of our allies deciding which team they want to be on" My mother says
"We need to go to the US " My father says
"Why? " I ask
"We need to be on neutral ground, away from war and if they came after us they can do the same to your friends" he says referring to the twins. I only told my parents about the people I was with a few days ago. I guess he knows who they are. We're having a family reunion. Yay!

My father makes a few calls on his burner phone so that they don't trace our call. The jet is ready and we're on our way to the United States.
After almost 12 hours of flying we land in New York city. It's been a while since I was here. We get to our house in the city and get some rest.

Next afternoon

My father spent his time making calls to see what was happening back in Russia. They got the traitor who told the Mexicans our location and we're getting ready to go to the Russos. I wonder where they are.
“Are we sure they're at the building? ”
“I'm not, why don't I go to Russo inc. And you can go to their house ”
“Okay” I say as I get in my Audi RS7 and go to they're house.

Kirill's pov

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Kirill's pov

I can't believe I'm about to help the Russos

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I can't believe I'm about to help the Russos. It's not something I put in my bucket list or any list that is... until I realized we have a common enemy gunning for our children. When Pavel, who's my best friend and cousin came back to Russia with Killian 4 years ago, I was happy and relieved to see my son, we all were. Our relationship isn't the best with his constant disobedience and lack of respect. Now to find out that my son was nabbed along with the Italians doesn't sit well with me but the matter at hand is to stop the Mexicans.

“Let's get this over with” I mumble as Russo incorporate comes to view.

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