Chapter 37

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Kirill, Laureline, Lorenzo, Carter and Karina, had just arrived back in New York. Dante was already there waiting for them. They walked out of the submarine with laughs and smiles and that told Dante that they had accomplished their mission. He sighs.

“Is Arlo dead?” Kirill asks. Dante nods his head in approval. The kids all cheer but not Dante and Kirill who can tell that something is wrong. He looks at Dante waiting for an explanation.

“Carlos and Arlo were killed by Lucas and Killian but-”
“But? What but? ” Laureline asks cutting off her older brother
“Killian is in the ER. He was shot by Arlo protecting our father. Everyone has been waiting for you”
“Why are we still here? LET'S GO! ” Kirill shouts.

They get to the hospital and all Laureline is thinking as she walks through the doors is how she told him to be careful. They still had things to talk about. She didn't even think that the Russo's would be at the hospital. She could sense the hatred that Fabio had for Killian, saving him might have changed that.

She sees Koroleva crying and she runs up to her husband who just consoles his wife and daughters. Lucas has been standing by the operating room door waiting for the doctors to tell him if he'll make it.
“Luca?” Laureline says with tears falling freely from her eyes.
“Heyy” Lucas replies, giving his sister a big hug which they both really needed.
“How long have you been here?”
“9 hours”
“Nobody is telling us anything. People are rushing in and out but no one is telling us anything” They both sigh worried for their friend.
“He got shot saving Fabio? But he knows that Fabio doesn't like him and probably wouldn't have done the same for him! Why'd he do that? ”
“I don't know” Fabio says walking up to his daughter. They both embrace each other and Fabio gives her a kiss on the head.
“Are you alright, bambina?”
“I'm okay. Is everyone else okay too? ”
He nods.

“How does my son end up shot saving this Italian's ass? ”
“Kirill calm down” Daniella says
“For what? My son could die. 9 hours doesn't really tell me that there's progress. He is dying and if he does you're joining him” Kirill says looking right at Fabio.

The ER doors are opened and a doctor comes out. They all stand and wait for him to tell them if he's clear or dead. He sighs knowing if he says something wrong they will kill him.
“The bullet penetrated his abdomen and was near his spine. We managed to pull the bullet out”
“Listen here moron we don't wanna know all that is he gonna make it?” Katya shouts
“Yes he will make it... But, like I said it was near his spine. We managed to pull it out but we are not sure if he will be able to walk once he's awake”
“When will he wake up? Can we see him? ”
“He'll wake up probably in the coming days and a nurse will come get you to see Mr. Petrov in his room”

He walks out and all the two family hears are the cries of a mother who is both relieved that her son is alive but heartbroken that he might never walk again.
“I think that it's time you all leave” Kirill says
“We understand. Just keep us posted” Fabio says in his cold voice.
The twins just stay there
“I said leave!” They both look at him and Lucas says
“You'll have to drag us out but we'll still come back”
“Kirill leave them, they are only worried for him” Koroleva says.

A week later

The Petrov and Russo have not yet seen any improvement in Killian state. He is still in a coma. Everyday Lucas and Laureline come over and talk to their none responding friend. Koroleva just sits and begs for him to wake up. His sisters tell him weird jokes and make sarcastic remarks just like he used to. Kirill just sits, not talking, not moving, just sitting. Fabio once came to thank him for what he did and that if the roles were reversed he wouldn't have done the same. Now Fabio has a deep respect for the boy and would most likely take a bullet for him in future.

Both families are now in his room looking at him to see if he'll move or do something.
“You know if he was awake he wouldn't like us staring at him. He'd probably say are you looking for something cause I don't have it stalker or stop looking freak” Karina says trying to lighten the mood. Then a hoarse voice says
“Then why don't you stop dumbass” everyone looks down to see Killian opening his eyes slowly.
They give him water and he remembers all the events that happened. Koroleva runs up to give him a big hug and kisses all over her son's face. He scowls and she laughs letting him go.
“How long was out for?”
“A week”
“No wonder, I can't feel my fucking legs ” This causes panic to arise in everyone but they don't show it.

Just on time the doctor arrives.
“Mr. Petrov, I'm your doctor. I'm just here to examine you”
“I hate doctors. Go away”
“I will once I examine you. May I have the room”
They all walk out and wait.
A few minutes later Killian walks out and says “I can walk” in an irritated voice.

Hours later he is now in bed facing his best friends and says “God I thought I was dead”
“You almost were you fool. I'm getting a coffee” Lucas says feeling annoyed.
It was only Laureline and Killian now.
“Why'd you do that Kill. You could've died or been paralysed” Laureline says tearing up.
“Come here”
She lays on the large hospital bed with him and cries into his chest while he rubs her back.
“You promised”
“I'd break that promise all over again to keep you safe and protected any day of the week. ”
She sighs in response. After a few seconds of looking into each other's eyes in silence. Killian asks her “I was thinking that maybe when I got out of here we can go on a date”
“I'd like that” Laureline says in a low whisper. He grabs her neck and pull her a up for a deep kiss. The door is opened and it's Lucas with the coffee. Seeing them cuddling, he sighs and says “Fucking finally”

Two years later
It's been 2 years since the twins found their family. So much has changed.
Lucas and Fabio worked around their differences and are now very close. Laureline and Killian are in love with each other. Though Killian lives in Russia he comes to New York to be with her and he also comes to help out with the Bratva in America.

Fabian is getting ready to take over as Don once his father turns 45. The two families are now working together creating a united and strong front.

~The end
🥱I'm tired of typing but it was real fun😂😂. Thanks for reading my weird book thing😊. The ending isn't the best but at least you read it so thank you.
Maybe I'll write another book but until next time 👋.

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