Chapter 10

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Carter's pov

Carter's pov

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Well shit. They've only been here for a few hours and there's already chaos. The principal went out of his office to call dad and tell him what happened.
“Are you okay?” Laureline asks in the softest voice
“I'm fine Lia, don't worry about it” Lucas says trying to calm her down.
“You should be worried cause when dad finds out what you did... ”“I don't care what Fabio is going to do” Lucas says interrupting Enzo
“Don't talk to him again, if you see him looking at you, walk in the opposite direction. Do you hear me. ” Lucas says to a scared Laureline
“What happened? ” I ask wanting to know what set Lucas off like that.
“He harassed my sister” now I wish I never stopped that fight.
“His name is Tyler, he's on the football team, thinks it allows him to do anything he wants” we explain to Lucas and Laureline

“Are they gonna suspend us” a low voice asks, we all look to see a scared Laureline. It breaks my heart to see her like this.
“No and even if they do suspend someone it'll be me” Lucas says
“What if you get in trouble with Fabio and Daniella?” Laureline asks
“It'll be my problem to deal with. Have some water” Lucas says while handing her a water bottle from the principal's mini-fridge.

While we wait for Dad to come to school, I sit and wonder how Luca could come at Tyler like that. Those blows aren't some you know by having an adrenaline rush. I know this because I do underground boxing, we all did at some point and we know those moves too. Luca is very protective of Laureline cause if he went for 2 more minutes, Tyler would have to go to the ER.

Fabio's pov

I'm at an important meeting with Fabian, Lucian and other important business men and women discussing how we can make our companies better when my assistant comes in and tells me that the principal from the kid's school wants me to come because a ...

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I'm at an important meeting with Fabian, Lucian and other important business men and women discussing how we can make our companies better when my assistant comes in and tells me that the principal from the kid's school wants me to come because a fight broke out.
I sigh and say “ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna have to cut this meeting short there's a family emergency that I need to take care of but my sons will still be here to answer any questions you may have” I step outside with Lucian and Fabian “A fight broke out at your siblings school, I'll have to go sort it out ”
“I bet it was Enzo” Lucian says
“No, it was Lucas. We all know how angry he can get over little things ” Fabian says with a blank look on his face.

As I drive to the school, I'm trying to think why Lucas could start a fight, it must have been for his sister. Sigh. Why can't we be a normal family I say as a rhetorical question. My family will never be normal, I'm Don of the Italian mafia, I'm married to an assassin and my kids do illegal things everyday, there's nothing normal about that. I laugh knowing I wouldn't change it for the world. Since the twins came back I haven't had a proper conversation with them about anything. I see how scared Laureline is of me she sits so far away from me and Fabian trying to avoid us and Lucas, that boy is nothing but trouble but he's just like me and Fabian which makes me wonder why Laureline hasn't warmed up to us yet. I've been thinking if I should tell them that we're the mafia but I don't want to scare them away, I want to have a relationship with them like u do with all my other kids . I'll find the right time but until then it remains a secret.
I get to the school and I know that I'll be here a while.

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