10 × that night/part one

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Jay loved riding his scooter when the night city living was awakening itself. At times like these, he imagined owning one of the bigger motorcycles and speeding through the cities of Seoul. However, with what was left of the earned money from his YouTube channel, he managed to buy a scooter. Though, he was still hesitant to ride it to school, because of the high price of petrol.

Jay finally arrived at the pub. He parked just outside the building. While taking off his helmet, he could already see two of his friends leaning against the wall and one more boy. He remembered Heeseung mentioning taking Sunghoon with him. Yunjin was vaping to kill time, and Heeseung was the first one to notice their friend. He waved to Jay, and when he eventually noticed him back, he ran up to them.

"You ride?" Heeseung put on a smile. Jay nodded and shrugged his shoulders.

"One day, I'll have a proper bike," he laughed. Yunjin joined.

"It's nice, tho," she agreed. "We're finally getting to know you better." She offered him her vape, but he rejected it. 

"I told you to stop smoking this shit," Heeseung complained, but the girl shook her head with a smile. "Anyway, that's Park Sunghoon. This is Park Jay." The boy introduced the two to each other. Sunghoon let go of his crutch and reached his hand out.

"Hi," he said smiling. "You're the new bestie?"

Jay laughed bewildered at the new title he was just given. He thought it was a funny remark, but he saw Yunjin's slight eye roll and Heeseung's awkward smile with a shoulder shrug.

"That would be me. It's getting chilly. Are we going in?" Jay quickly changed the topic, seeing weird behavior between the two friends. They both nodded and everyone entered the pub. 

Just from entering the building, Jay sensed a way different atmosphere from any other events they had held. The inside was decorated in pink and black, with occasional golden balloons. The DJ inside was already warming up the people who came to the party, lights were shining on the dance floor and almost all the tables were full of people. Jay saw a bar occupied with clients, and Miyeon working diligently while doing her bartender tricks. He smiled when they made eye contact. She gestured him to find a free table, first. 

"Jay!" He felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around to see Shuhua standing behind him. She was wearing her uniform, she had her hair put in a quick ponytail, and half of her makeup was already gone. "Oh, hello, I'm Yeh Shuhua." The girl introduced herself to the three students standing next to them. "Oh boy what happened," she looked at Sunghoon but got shushed by her friend.

"You're working today," Jay exclaimed. "Right, this is Huh Yunjin, Lee Heeseung, and Park Sunghoon. My friends from school." All of them exchanged smiley looks and bows. "Boss is rebranding the pub or what?" He laughed, but the girl only shrugged her shoulders.

"Yo, I don't know, that's possible. I just know she hired extra staff for today. I'm quite shocked she didn't tell you to come to work," she explained. "Anyway, let me find you a nice table."

"It's pretty in here," Heeseung admitted looking around. They all followed the girl to the upper floor. Usually, it would stay closed, but they opened it during bigger events, and that night was supposed to be one of those events. 

"That's the best spot, V.I.P.," the girl laughed showing the table. It was near the barriers, so they were able to see the dance floor, the bar, and even who was entering and leaving the pub. They sat on comfortable sofas. "I'll order some drinks for you. Enjoy all you can, Jay," she said with a sarcastic tone, she was a bit jealous. "See you on Monday, at work." She finished and left the friend group.

"She's so unserious," Jay laughed to himself. 

"This is a nice place," Heeseung repeated. "Are you also a waiter like her?" He asked curious, his eyes followed the girl stepping down the stairs. 

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