22 × about jungwon

416 22 18

"I need to get ready too, I'll pick you up later. Sunoo, please take care of his... face," Jungwon stated while packing his things into his bag. His friend was scratching his head, his eyes were half open. Jungwon had to explain the situation to him twice. The boy's brain was still asleep. Jay touched his face, wondering if anything was wrong with it.

Heeseung sat on the couch, his aching head in his hands. 

"Yeah, you can use one of my bathrooms. If you need anything, just let me know," he told Jay, sitting next to him, then patted his shoulder. "I hope it goes well."

"Yeah, go take a shower first," Sunoo ordered and pointed to the bathroom. Jungwon waved to his friends and looked at the still-sleeping ones. Then, he hurriedly left the house. Sunoo turned to Heeseung. "So, can we borrow some clothes from you?"

"Sure, wait a minute." Heeseung scratched his head and stood up. He measured Jay with his eyes. "Ok, you go, we'll choose the best one for you. Come on, Sunoo."

Heeseung left the living room with Sunoo following right after him. Jay looked around the living room, trying to find his bag. He tried to not step on anyone when he found it near the table. He took it to the bathroom and locked the doors behind him.

"I don't even know what to choose for him. All black or what." Sunoo wondered, going upstairs.

"No tie?" Heeseung suggested when they reached the first floor. Sunoo shook his head. "A black shirt and black tie would look good, too."

"Is he going to the funeral or what?" Sunoo rejected his idea. Heeseung opened his bedroom and let the boy come in first, then he closed it after them.

The room was spacious and clean, there was almost nothing inside besides the basic furniture. Both of them walked up to the wardrobe.

"If the dinner doesn't work, then there's gonna be one," Heeseung joked, showing the boy the set of his shirts. "I think, the black will suit him more. He'll look neat, but casual."

"Then let's just go for a bit grayish tie." Sunoo decided and searched for one on the shelves. "Oh, this one is good. What do you think?" He showed it to the boy, who was choosing a decent shirt. Heeseung looked at him and nodded. Then, he stared at Sunoo for a bit longer, than he should have, which caused the atmosphere to become a bit heavier. "What?"

"Were you hurt, when we kind of broke up?"

Sunoo looked at him in silence, then suddenly chuckled. His face lit up, and a grin appeared. He covered his smile with his hand, trying to not fold in half because of bursting from laughter.

"Well, we weren't even kind of dating, so why would I be hurt?" he said, trying to stand in one place. "Thanks, I'm totally awake now."

"So are you also fine with me liking Jake?" Heeseung's face was stern, even though the boy was visibly relaxed. 

"I'm still quite shocked at whatever is going on between you two. Just don't hurt him. If you do, then... good thing you have a lot of black shirts ready."

Heeseung gulped, then smiled slowly, trying to avert Sunoo's intense gaze. He went back to searching through the shirts. 


Jungwon waited in his seat, his face focused on his reflection in the hand-sized mirror. He adjusted the strings of his bangs. One had to be closer to another, but the second one wasn't curly enough. His heart race kept going up, trying to see himself clearer. His eyeliner was slightly smudged, which started to irritate him. He pursed his lips and cleaned that area meticulously. 

The door suddenly opened.

"He's all ready, good luck," Sunoo exclaimed and pushed the boy inside the car. Jay tried to slowly sit down, making sure not to stumble because of the other's force.

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