Twenty Two

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Salina was rushing between the bedroom and her art room to get some of her things, her phone resting between her ear and her shoulder.

"I'm about to leave now, are you sure this is what you want to do right now?" Lev spoke into her end.

She nodded even if he couldn't see her, "I just need some time to breathe, Lev. I don't want to talk about it while I'm upset and say something I don't mean...If not I can call Vivienne maybe." Salina began worrying her lip. "Actually, I shouldn't have asked you to come get me. I'm sorry, I don't want to get in between you and Dom. I'll figure something-" Salina turned to go back to the bedroom and found Dominik blocking her way.

"Lev um-" Dominik snatched the phone from her and seethed something in Russian into the phone before chucking it onto the couch.

"Ivanov," Salina ran her hands through her hair as he looked at her puffy eyes. "I can't talk right now, I really don't want to argue."

"You don't want to argue? You're the one trying to fucking leave me!" Dominik's veins bulged as his voice raised. When she began to lean away from him at his volume, he heaved out a breath. "Baby, lets- lets take a break tonight, yeah? Just sit and we can... I don't know we can fucking figure it out."

"I don't want to right now, Dominik. Maybe tomorrow-"

Dominik won't be able to stand it. He was already shaking with anger thanks to his parents and now this. He hasn't seen Salina this upset- ever. Her hair was wild and her hands were trembling, it almost brought him out of his haze.

"If this is about what I fucking said- eсолнышко, you know I was just saying whatever would get them to leave."

Her brows furrowed, finally fed up. "It is about what you said, Ivanov. Y-You said," her eyes watered again. "You said you didn't have any feelings for me? I-I mean none?"

She watched as his mouth clamped shut, nothing came out of it... no apologies or denials. Slowly nodding, she pushed past him into the bedroom and tried to slam the door shut.

Dominik laughed sardonically at her audacity, slamming his large hand against the wood panel and shoving it open almost comically easy. A frustrated noise erupted from the back of her throat as she brought her bag up to the bed.

His dark eyes widened when he saw she'd already tried to pack. His throat closed momentarily with anxiety, "Are you serious right now?"

"You said you would only keep me around if I was useful," Salina choked down her sob. Dominik through his hands up, "I said that shit at the very beginning! What's changed from then to now?!"

"Everything! It changed and I'm sorry- I'm so fucking sorry, but it did. And if you give me some time I could get myself together-"
Dominik pressed the heels of his palms to his temples, growling lowly. "No! You're not leaving me! We talked about that and I told you it's not fucking happening. Ever. We shouldn't even be arguing about a conversation I had with my parents that you weren't even present for!"

Gritting her teeth down, Salina balled her fists together in the clothes she put in a bag. She couldn't get herself to stop crying, she didn't have anywhere to even go. Dominik knew that and here he was dismissing everything she's trying to say. Everything began boiling over inside of her.

"You know what? Fuck you!" Selina tried to pass by him but as he blocked her even more she threw her bag at his chest. He tossed it aside easily. The entire house was tense as the security felt the anxiety rolling off the couple all the way downstairs. Her brazen attitude with the boss was about to send them all spiraling.

"Fuck me?!" Dominik barked back. "I'm the only one on your fucking side, Salina!"

"No! How were you on my side in that conversation besides saying I 'played my part in your plans'. That's not being on my side, Domo! You couldn't even tell them you liked me."

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