Thirty Eight

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Salina waited for Dominik as he worked with the tailor to get together his suit. It was just the two of them today with Gabe and Fern. Dominik only wanted to show his wife attention after finally being let out of the house.

Unfortunately, he was stuck dealing with the tailor. Salina typed away on her phone, finalizing more wedding details. When she glanced up, she saw that the tailor was still outside of Dominik's room.

She frowned, they'd already taken his measurements and shown her the basics of what he chose... why was Dominik taking so long in the dressing room?

Pouting her bottom lip, she stood up and brazenly went to retrieve her husband.

"Is he finished?" she asked the tailor off handedly as she passed him.

"He got a phone call."

Salina rolled her eyes, of course business would distract him. Coming up to the door, her hand reached for the handle before she paused- overhearing the conversation.

"If we could just have a conversation I'm sure we could come to some agreement-"

Dominik hissed quietly before it sounded like he was interrupted. There was a moment as whoever was on the other end responded.

"Ma'am I really think if you take a second to think- this is an important day we're talking about."

There was another pause.

"Don't-" Dominik snarled before stopping himself and taking a deep inhale, softening his tone just barely. "Don't talk about my wife like that. I don't give a damn who you are- If you hang up I'll make an appearance to have this discussion in person."

Finally, Salina pushed the door open gently. Her head peaked in, obviously conveying her confusion while stepping inside.

Dominik was only in his slacks, pacing in the large dressing room. His gaze immediately softened at the sight of her, before he looked at his phone guiltily.

"I'm putting you on hold- don't hang up."

He was confident that whoever was on the phone would obey, because he did just that before tossing the phone besides him. He opened his arms and watched her fall into his embrace.

"Sweet girl," he cooed against perfectly styled hair.

"You didn't sound like yourself on the phone," Salina hummed against his bare chest. She kissed over his tattoos before flitting her eyes up to his own. "You sounded like you were trying to kiss ass and failing. It doesn't suit you, honey."

Dominik sighed quietly, feeling her hands massage his tense lower back. "I know, it's not as fun when it isn't yours," he spanked her lightly.

Salina huffed, raising a brow at him expectantly. "Wanna tell me what that's about?"

"Not particularly."


The two stared at each other, moments passed.

"I was working on something for you, it's not going how I would like it to. It was for our wedding day."

Salina's face fell in sympathetic confusion, her skeptical eyes widened a bit and her lips jutted out. "It's okay baby, as long as you're there with me I'll be happy."

He sighed through his nose, caressing her hips. "I wanted to make it special for you. You deserve this."

Cupping his face, she ran her thumbs under his eyes gently. "You've given everything I deserve and more. What are you working yourself up over?" She pushed onto her toes and pulled him down to kiss him firmly, murmuring the question against his mouth.

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