Twenty Three

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Salina wore a long sleeve shirt and overall shorts as she tended to the garden. It was beginning to get chilly out with the seasons turning over into autumn. It'd been a few days since Dominik's parents dropped by, apparently they didn't get on the plane that night either. But they haven't reached out yet so Salina supposes they could deal with that later.

For now, Salina was still reeling from the emotional rollercoaster. Dominik could tell whenever she was more quiet than usual. He couldn't tell if it was simply because they had argued in general or if the new status of 'in love' was getting to her.

Salina knew it was the ladder, she was reluctant to believe Dominik really felt that for her. It felt impossible to believe, actually. And she can't figure out why he would feel that for her.

Feeling a shiver up her back, Salina turned off the hose and set aside her soil. "I thought you were in a meeting," she hummed without turning to look back at him.

"Finished early," Dominik rumbled quietly as he leaned against the shed watching her.

When she did finally glance over her shoulder, he got to see how cute she looked in her gardening hat. She shot him a small smile before her eyes grew a bit at the sight of a picnic basket at his feet. Then that small smile grew bigger.

"Yay," she quickly stood up and hopped over to him more eager than he's ever seen her. Smirking, he wrapped his thick forearm around her waist to tug her against him.

"I'm going to get you dirty," she murmured as she was reluctant to give into him. With a scowl, he yanked her harder and listened to her grunt. "Good," he husked as he brushed his mouth against her own.

Humming softly, Salina pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

"Love you," Dominik pulled away to look into her low lidded eyes. Her brow quirked up in amusement, twisting her lips to avoid giving him a smile. She knew what his angle was- if he tells her a thousand times a day how can she doubt it? It was beginning to work after three days.

Tugging off her gardening gloves, she fiddled with the buttons of his expensive shirt, "I love you." Dominik, like he always does now, grinned triumphantly at her declaration.

He leaned in again, brushing his nose over her own gently. "I'm sorry," he murmured for the millionth time for the past three days. His dark eyes met her own intensely, cradling her throat as if it was fine china.

The memories of making her upset- making her cry- were haunting him.

Salina's face softened as it always did when he apologized, he'd been more than  putting in the work to apologize to her. Extra everything, gifts, attention, affection- you name it. "I know, mon cochon. I forgive you... I'm sorry too. For... you know cursing at you," she whispered a little sheepishly at the end.

my pig

"I wish you cursed at me more, I deserved it," he nuzzzled his stubbled cheek against her smooth one.

Salina shook her head in disagreement, "No... I shouldn't have," she kissed his cheek gently. She lifted his face to press their foreheads against one anothers, batting her eyes up at him.

He grinned down at her before patting her butt softly.

"Come, before the food goes cold. I have it set up under the same tree from last time," Dominik demanded as she bounced on the tips of her toes excitedly.

Soon they were sat down just like they'd been that first time, except now the trust and relationship has grown beyond what either thought possible. They were sprawled over each other, Salina doodled in a small notebook on top of his chest.

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