A Mother's Love

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Third Person P.O.V

Stoick and Gobber fly side-by-side, the snowy wind stinging their faces and collecting in their facial hair.

"Boar-headed! Just like his mother!" Stoick growls with frustration, shaking his head. "Aye, she could never stay put either. And the lass! Exactly like (M/N). Always wanting to help and protect those she loved."

"Ah, they're just twenty!" Gobber waves his arm with a shrug. "And Vikings. Could there be a worse combination?" He laughs, "when I think of how stubborn and senseless you were back in the day..."

Gobber pauses, his face falling.

"Oh. Well, not much has changed, actually." He mutters to himself, eyebrows raised.

Stoick sighs heavily, looking down. "You know what he's like. They won't give up, Gobber. If they find Drago... Before we find them..."

Stoick trails off with a distressed frown, his grip tightening on the saddle as he sighs.

"Ah, nothing can hurt them while that Dark Angel and Nightfury are with them!" Gobber disagrees, "and Hiccup will protect (Y/N) with all his might."

Stoick looks to the side, squinting as he was temporarily blinded. His eyes widen when he sees (Y/N)'s sword on the ice, the sun reflecting off it.

He steers Skullcrusher down, Gobber quickly following with Grump in confusion. Stoick reaches down, swiftly grabbing the blade as Gobber reaches down and grabs Hiccup's lost mask.

Stoick sits up with wide eyes as he stares at the blade, looking over at Gobber and catching Hiccup's mask as he tosses it to him.

They both share a look of concern before Stoick takes in a deep breath, leaning down and offering the mask to Skullcrusher.

"Find them, Skullcrusher. Find them."

Skullcrusher takes in the scent, roaring loudly as he swiftly follows the trail.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"H-Hold on, wait just a minute!" Hiccup stammers as we race after Valka through the narrow tunnel.

"Valka! Wait!" I shout, staggering and sighing in relief as Hiccup catches me and stables me. 

"This way!" Valka cheerfully replies.

"Come back here!" Hiccup calls with a sigh as she easily climbs up rocks.

"Come!" She smiles, gesturing for us to follow.

"You can't just say something like that and run off!" Hiccup pants lightly, jumping over the rocks as I follow.

Toothless and (D/N) followed behind, (D/N) rumbling in confusion as I shrug with a confused face.

"You're my mother?" Hiccup says in disbelief, shaking his head as we continue. "I mean, what the... Do you grasp how insane this sounds?"

"Come, quickly!"

"Wait! Can't we just talk?" I call, watching in awe as she easily scales a tall stone wall.

"I have questions!" Hiccup shouts, grunting as he tries climbing the wall, failing each time. "Where have you been all this time? What have you been doing?"

Toothless boosts Hiccup up, climbing after him as (D/N) grabs the back of my collar, gently lifting me up and nudging me onto the ledge as we chase after them.

"They said you were dead!" Hiccup continues, shaking his head and looking back at me. "Everyone thinks you were eaten by..."

He trails off, coming to a stop as I almost crash into him. I peek under his arm, gasping softly at the sight of thousands of dragons flying around a green scenery, domed in by smooth ice. Baby Gronckles played with one another nearby as we walked into the wide space, (D/N) chittering and looking around with perked ears.

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