Chapter 3 

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Chapter 3:

Being teleported into Futuramous of the town of Garth, all around me, all I heard were gasps of astonishments and whispers amongst themselves until of course Owen said, "That doesn't make a difference if his motive level is extremely--" he suddenly stopped in place when he saw my right hand that I seem to notice because one, I can feel his eyes on me shifting and two, it's the only hand that has the mark of importance.

Shifting in my own spot, I heard Mr. Matters asked as he appeared into the virtual world of Futuramous and said, "what is that on your hand Carry?"

Taking a deep breath then slowly letting it out because this has been the thing I've been trying to hide for the longest time. I said, "this..." I pointed. "This is the mark I've been trying to hide for a long time because I do not feel that I deserve it but here I am with it."

"Get on with it." Owen said impatiently.

Before I was able to speak, Kayla with another gasp and said, "that's an invite pass from the royal nobles. Who gave that to you? It must be someone who only the king or queen trusts because not just anyone can be handed a royal invitation to bypass tryouts for the tournament.

With another sigh although I don't know if it's extensive sensory but I swore that I could feel Owen starting to fume with anger. When I spoke, everyone was silent. "10 years ago, like anyone else who was a humongous fan of the earlier years of Futuramous especially the tournaments. I was able to persuade my mother to pay for me to virtually be at the biggest tournament there ever was."

"Don't tell me--" Lucio started to speak but I interrupted him.

"Yes. I was they're as a little kid watching Lady Lynn my super hero goes against Prince Flinn at the time before he became lord. During this battle while asking for some help on reading their stats until mine finally worked. This man who was helping me out, he told me that he couldn't read Flinn's stats because I guess... it was too high for him to read but when I was able to get my device working, I was able to read his skills like any other but at the time, I didn't pay that much attention until coincidentally he wanted me to see him at the bottom of the ramp before accessing the arena and told me that I had some high potential to bypass on what you have already said Kayla and instantly start training if I show the head guard of my importance but again, I've been really scared because now that I am 18, I can now join but I really do not know if I'm ready for this." I finished feeling my heart beat hard in my chest.

"You know Carry, I never liked you but... now, here you are taking opportunities away from us just because you are chosen from the royal house and so now, here you go taking my dream as you are ahead of us on your way to become one of the top leaders. I know about those S caps. Just because you're a level one across the board and you have a level 0 motive level, I can guarantee it can hit from level 1 to level  100  in a blink of an eye. So, you know what Carry? Fuck you from the bottom of my gut." He stomped his foot while now noticing for the first time where he was at. Principle Matters, where the hell are we at?" Then suddenly, he noticed his motive level dropped by 10 making it now 30% which, pissed him off even more.

"Are you done having one of your pissy fits? As we seen, because of your ignorance, your motive level dropped and second, I didn't read his skills." Looking back at me with me being able to feel his eyes bore on me, he continued with a sarcastic cough. "Accordingly, to his stat page which Carry, I assume your stat page reads off your attributes." Watching me nod my head, he said with a disbelief voice, "as your first skill, it  says mimic which, I'm not sure if it's what I think it is but can you read the description off?"

With me figuring out on how to allow it to read out for others to listen but as I was looking through the setting functions, with a few minutes of navigating around, I finally found it and with a computic female voice, it said, "mimic: A skill that is able to be used during combat to steal your opponent's basic skill points ranging from strength through perception. Warning: can only be used during one combat with a 30-minute cool down once the battle has been retired."

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