Chapter 6

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  What if I was in Futuramous, A Virtual Reality RPG?

Chapter 6: Three Days of Torcher Part 1

Days can move on pretty quickly, but as soon as night comes, it's nothing but a nightmare. All dreams and wishes are nothing but just despair and silence. So, remember whenever you feel like you are in darkness, there is always someone who his listening to your dark plea. Even if it is just a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, or your neighbor because reality is, us humans cannot be alone. When stuck in your own thoughts, you are your own enemy.

Written by Professor Guadalupe Garcia, psyche specialist of the headquarters of Futuramous.


Exiting from the South balcony with my body teleported back with the real world then as I started heading down the stairs trying to make sure I do not trip over the cords. Thinking to myself, __how could I allow my anger get the best of me? I never allowed myself to get wired up, but something about that assassin then finding out principle John Matters is governor, something told me that nothing good was going to come out of this. I could just feel it in my bones. Now if he was just a principle, then I wouldn't think anything of it, but seeing a bard, an assassin then a governor, I just knew that I was in trouble. Maybe, because of my actions any most likely, they wouldn't get assassinated but for them not knowing, I still will be bullied more than I am going to be right now because once my stats is shown on tomorrows announcements because the school always spread everyone's stats so, students know who is the biggest threat when the students participate in the end of the school years tournament. I know that I will be made fun of due to my poor stats, then I will never hear the last of it. If that is the case, it will just force me to kill myself. When I said I wanted to join Futuramous, I was talking about being the first blind person to join the royal tournament, then win it with just my impressive stats, not be some kind of clown where everyone is going to laugh at me. Talking about the end of the year tournament, though I want to join, but I don't know if I will even though I know my restriction will be lifted within three days and the tournament is in four. However, I would not have that chance to enhance my skills to improve my stats.__

Walking down the hallway until I approached a clearing from the left of me by its opening airy sounds just by the echoing sounds of others students but it wasn't really an official hallway because to the left of me, is the library and to the right of it is the door that leads you into the main hallway, but to the right of that door, is the dean's office which, is my very first time going to besides being late due to my bus picking me up then traffic stopping us from being on time since I am 40 minutes from my home.

Entering in, I heard an elder woman speak to me and asked, "What is your purpose of being here Mr.—" Knowing that she needs my name, so retrieving my ID from my wallet then giving it to her, she asked me, "what's your reasonings for being here Mr. Lanceful?" Taking a deep breath knowing that my last year of high school is going to be ruined from my actions, I told her that I was here for mouthing off to the principle in Futuramous and he would demand for me to see him in the principle's office. Feeling her eyes become big in astonishment, she said, "first, this is the Dean's office, not the principle's office and second, what in the world? Why did you mouth off to Mr. Matters for." Explaining everything with the best of my ability of having a gut feeling and that I saw that his chaperones were an assassin and a bard and that I felt threaten because of roomers of the new king of Garth wants to tamper with our wins/ loses records due to Lady Lynn's 25/1 record and so others will never will be able to have a streak like hers ever again.

Listening in and as I waited for her to absorb the information, she finally said, "I do not know what to say. It's bizarre to even believe that a principle who is also the governor that is possibly affiliated with the lord. You do know Carry, with these accusations of believing that Mr. Matters is here to tamper with the students by hiring fake chaperones to purposely destroy a student's stats is a true crime, right? If you are proven wrong and that he is not affiliated in the roomer that you are assuming that he is in, you can be suspended. Do you understand that?" With a nod, she continued, "hearing your plea, I will start doing a secret investigation some other higher ups, but this must be between us and the people I will bring into this investigation and if I may ask and this is confidential. How were you able to find out about the assassin's class? Also, who is the bard that you have brought up who was assisting the assassin. Lastly, what are their names?"

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