2. Her dream

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A/n : For time being the girl Shubman bumped into will be referred to as HER

Her pov :

I woke up from some voice by my phone, it ringed for a while untill i picked it up and said hello in my sleepy voice without looking at the caller name

To my surprise it was a call from the company they said the meeting was in 2 hours.


I was working hard for it from so long.

I woke up hastily and got ready for it.
Well this meeting was a really long one, I was too tired when I came back and was just anxiously pacing to and fro in my room waiting for their mail.

And my eyes went to the party dress laying their in a corner, suddenly all the moments flashed in front of my eyes, His smiling face strangely made me calm.

I brushed of the thoughts with the ping sound on my laptop only to find the mail.
I was very anxious, I took a deep breath and clicked on it.

Dear Niya,
Unfortunetly the celebrity has tied up with the another management but a big deal awaits you.


Seeing your work and your achievements at such a young age BCCI has appointed you to be the manager of the Indian Cricket Team.

Please send your approval at the earliest.

I stared at the screen for a while with lots of emotions weilding inside me.

After a good 5 minutes I started jumping in my room crazily while crying my eyes out.

They were happy tears, all my hardwork was finally paying off, my dream coming true.

I was going to manage the ICT.

I quickly called my family and told them to keep the phone on speaker, "Mom, Dada... I...I got appointed as the manager for the Indian Cricket Team."

I could hear happy squels and little sobs for a while.

Finally they said, "You are gonna live your dream. It was always in your destiny. Send your approval soon, we are proud of you."

"Thank you and I miss you both" I replied and hunged up the call.

I quickly sent the approval and soon recieved a call from an unknown number.

I picked it up


"Hello Niya! This is Rahul Dravid, the head coach of the Indian Cricket Team"

"Hello sir, ofcourse I know you"

"I am glad you joined us Niya, when will you be joining the team?"

"Um...whenever you say sir."

"You can join us tomorrow only if you are comfortable because the team has got 2 days off so you can get to know them and get used to the environment, Again only if you are comfortable."

"Ofcourse sir, i will be more than happy to join tomorrow."

"Great! I have sent you the hotel details and a car will be there to pick you up at 10 am tomorrow"

"Okay, thank you sir! It's my pleasure to work with you all."

"First of all Niya, it's not sir! Call me Rahul bhai please, no need to be formal and secondly we are lucky to have such a young talented girl working with us. You are on board. See you tomorrow Niya."

"Yes, see you tomorrow."

The call ended.

And then it all hit me!
Oh my God!
I was going to be working with them!

And all of a sudden i panicked about packing my stuff and what all things I have to get done before tonight.

Wait...then I will also be meeting HIM?

Will he even recognise me?
No, why would he! Why would he even remember such a random incident!

I just kept thinking about him with a smile plastered on my face.

When i realised about it I just shewed off those thoughts and spent all day packing my stuff.

Her Pov ends.

On the other hand, Shubman spent his day relaxing by the pool side with his team playing pool volleyball.

It was after long that the team got some time to relax a bit.

Between all this fun he didn't think much about her.

The boys planned a movie night in the team room.

Just when they were settling for the movie all of their phones pinged.
They saw a message in the team room.

"There is a small meeting tomorrow at 12 pm. Be sharp on time."

They read it and thought it would be something about their upcoming T20 matches.

They all adjusted there sleeping bags and slept in the team room while enjoying the movie.

Little did Shubman know a surprise was coming his way.


A/n : Please do comment and vote if you like the part. It would only encourage me to write more.

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