3. A part of ICT family

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"Ishannnn wake up!" A tired Shubman screamed for the nth time.

Now there was no other way, he took the glass filled with water from the bed side table and poured it on his face.

A panicked Ishan woke up, "What the hell!" Shubman for once can't you wake me up like a normal person said Ishan.

"Only if u actually would wake up that way." shrugged Shubman

Before they could continue their bickering Virat entered into the room and seeing him they immediately stopped.

"Boys don't be late for the breakfast it's already 10, we have a meeting at 12", said Virat.

"Yes Bhai!" They both replied in unison and Virat left the place.

Ishan had a quick shower and both went for the breakfast.


A girl was woke up by annoying alarm noise that she kept herself.

She looked at the time it was 9.40!

Looking at it she jumped out of her bed and went in to have a quick shower.

She stuffed some sandwiches in her mouth while coming to the lobby.

A person approached her and said, "Mam this way please."

She followed him and a saw a black range rover waiting for her.

Her bags were already in there and she quickly seated herself.

She kept fidgeting her fingers the whole ride. She was very anxious. What am I gonna do? How will I manage such big people? What if they don't like me?

All her thoughts were brushed off as some music started playing in the car.

She was just about to reach, her heart pounding so quickly.

The car stopped, and so did her heart for a second. She took a deep breath, chugged some water and got out of the car.

The hotel staff approached her and said, "Mam your luggage will be sent to your room, please come this way."

Her room was on the 9th floor, 905.
She went into her room and soon got a call from Rahul Bhai.

"Hello Niya! Hope you had a comfortable ride to the hotel." Said Rahul bhai

"Yes si....Rahul bhai."

"You can relax for a while and I'll join you outside your room in 20 for the meeting." Said Rahul bhai

Yes Bhai.


They were all busy bickering with each other, nudging people while having the breakfast.

Ishan and Shubman were fighting over a glass of watermelon juice, Virat and Rohit were bickering about who Mahi bhai loves the most and the other boys were enjoying all of this.

As soon as Rahul Bhai entered he saw the chaos and said, "Boys please calm down."

But nobody gave a damn about it.

So finally a frustrated Rahul Bhai said rather screamed Mahi loves me the most!

And everyone went quite all of a sudden and looked at him.

Ya that was his way to gain their attention.

"So now that I have your attention, I am just here to inform you about the meeting. We are going to meet our new manager." Said Rahul bhai

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