25. Reconciliation

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Niya was stomping in the room while Rahul was charging around the lobby.
It took a few moments for Niya to calm her self down.

"C'mon Ni, C'mon! You gotta make it upto him. It was your mistake" She said it to herself.

She went into the lobby and stood right in front of Rahul.

Rahul : Get out of my way.

Niya : No, I won't.

Rahul : I guess you don't have anyone else to pass your time with right now. Hah!

Niya : Rahul Stop! It hurts to hear that from you. It hurts to know that you think of me that low.

Rahul : Oh yes. And what you did to me really didn't hurt me at all. SURE.

Niya felt like her head was just spinning around. It was hurting. She couldn't take it anymore. She just ran to Rohit and Virat's room and landed in their arms. Her safe space. Her brothers. They both were already very tensed about the situation between the two. Rohit signalled Virat to be with Rahul.

Rohit : Niya...what happened? Did you talk to him?

Niya : Talk? He just keeps accusing me! He thinks that low of me bhai? Am I that bad? She asked vulnerably.

Rohit : No, you are the best Niya! He is just hurt and you know what? You only get this much hurt from someone you really love. Otherwise it wouldn't matter to him so much.

Niya : But bhai...He is not even listening to me.

Rohit : Then MAKE him listen. He will be back very soon!

Niya looked up at him with her eyes questioning him.

Rohit : I swear he will. I know he will!

Meanwhile Rahul was bawling his eyes out, sitting on the floor with his head on his knees with his arms snaking around. Virat went to his room and called him.

Virat : Rahuliya! What happened to my kiddo? Why are you crying bacha?

And listening this Rahul cried even more but this time in Virat's arms.

Rahul : She.....she...

Virat : Yes kiddo...she..what?

Rahul : She just point out...everytime what I did. Not even once she looked at what she did.

Virat : If you think like that then you are very wrong bacha.

Rahul : You are also supporting her?
He sobbed.

Virat : No. I am just telling my kiddo the things which went unnoticed by him because you are hurt and angry.

Rahul : What?

Virat : She is suffering equally or I should say even more. She obviously realised her mistake that's why she is coming upto you again and again. You need to clear it out to her what really hurt you. ONLY IF YOU WANT TO SORT IT OUT.

Rahul listened to all of it carefully and just nodded. But both of them had hurt each other so much already that neither of them had the power to confront the other at the moment. So they chose the SAFEST yet RISKIEST option to call.

Yes people just rooms apart still would call each other on their phones coz why not?

Niya went to her room and her instinct told her to make a call and she did.

It just ringed for a few seconds until he picked it up. It was like he knew that the call would come.

There was complete silence on both the sides for a minute while Niya mustered up the courage to speak.

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