Chapter 2

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Amber layed on her bed Ali's blanket covering her body, "Ai... Ai" she whispered out between her sobs. Amber just didn't want to believe Ai was dead that Ai was gone that Ai could not be with her any longer.

The click of Amber's room door was heard as the door opened, "Amber" The voice of Aqua said, Amber sat up and wiped her eyes she couldn't cry in front of Aqua she was supposed to be his aunt she has to be strong.

"Amber don't you want the person who murdered Ai to face justice? " Aqua asked as he sat next to Amber, "But he when suicide remember" Amber said rubbing her eyes, "Did he really? I mean how could he have found out apartment or that Ai had children" Aqua asked.

"I don't know maybe he saw" Amber said, "But it was always said that we were the directors children so how could that be possible" Aqua asked.

"I-I dorn know... " Amber said, "Someone sent him to kill Ai" Aqua whispered in Amber's ear, Amber's eyes widened, "And that person was my father" Aqua added, "Who else would of known about us or where we lived" Aqua said.

"That can't be... " Amber said more tears escaping her eyes, "Amber help me kill my father" Aqua said, "What I can't do that, murder is horrible! " Amber whispered out, "So you want the person who murdered Ai to walk around freely enjoying his life while Ais life had to end easily? " Aqua asked.

"W-What?" Amber said surprised, "You say you love Ai but you want her murderer to walk around and life his life happily, how could you Amber you don't love Ai, you just pretended you only loved the attention Ai gave you" Aqua added, as he looked at the shook and doubt in Amber's eyes he couldn't help but internally smile, "Amber all you ever loved was the attention you never lover Ai" she repeated.

"But I loved Ai.... Did I? " Amber questioned herself she didn't know what to think, "I didn't love the attention I loved Ai" Amber repeated, "If you did help me Amber help me get revenge for Ai" Aqua said, "unless you don't love Ai"

Amber froze wat does she do, she didn't even know what to think, does she love Ai... Does she even know what love is or what love feels like...

What is love?

Was the only words going through Amber's head, does she love anyone, has she loved anyone, did she even love Ai...

'You never love Ai'

She felt like that thoughs were the words that she couldn't shake off, does she even love Aqua and Ruby, Does she love anyone.

"Amber" Aqua called out again"Tell me your answer later"Aqua said exiting the room, Amber sat there in silence in the dark think deeply.

Amber couldn't understand anymore if she loved Ai or not, or if she loves anyone, she just didn't under if she did. "am I just faking it... " Amber alsed to herself.

Amber was just a child why did she fell like this, why we're a thoughts getting so dark? Why didn't she feel the orge of live anymore , why did she feel that she was implied to help Aqua kill his fatherx just why did she feel this why.

Why did she feel so empty why did she feel like this just why did she feel this way... What did she do to feel like this, why did Aqua put these thought in her head. Just why?

Why did she feel like this?

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

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