chapter 5

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Amber walked down the street with a huge smile after all she couldn't lose her facade,it was announced a year later that So had a little sister as it would be hard to explain why she looked exactly like Ai, when it was announced the information went viral, and people wanted her to be the quote and quote,new Ai, the people wanted her to replace Ai and become there new star, her teams already had her acting like So so she just ended up giving the people what they wanted, but she didn't become an idol.

"Amber, amber!" Ruby shouted out as she practically got ignored from Amber, "Huh?yes Ruby?" The star eyed girl replied, " you have been ignoring me for the last 5 minutes! " Ruby said unhappily, "Mom would of never ignored me" she muttered under her breath, but of course Amber heard her, she continued to smile at ruby and even giggled at her, " I'm sorry for ignoring you Ruby I was just in really deep though I promise I won't ignore you again" Amber said as she patted Ruby's head.

Ruby giggled as she got her head patted and held a big smile on her face, "thank you mama"Ruby muttered out,Amber caught what she said but ignored it, she was pretty much used to it, she was used to people pretending that she was Ai, it was something that she had to get used to it. Especially with Aqua and Ruby, they both would practically pretend Ai was alive through her, it was like she was nothing but a rebound to them, something to make them believe that Ai was still there, still alive, still with them...

" Amber Ruby" Amber looked at Aqua as he spoke there names, "we're gonna be late if we don't get going " he said as he looked at them both, "oh yeah I forgot we're going to school" Amber said as she blinked her eyes, "oh yeah! Oni-chans right!" Ruby said as she started walking again catching up to Aqua as Amber walked up to them right after as they soon entered the school grounds.

"What are we here for again?" Amber asked , " To get into performing arts to be an idol! "Ruby shouted loudly, everyone near by looked at ruby then went back to what they were doing.Ruby immediately died inside for the second hand embarrassment.

" Ruby you ok? " Amber asked as she giggled at her, "I'm fine left just go to the interview" Ruby said as she walked inside of the school building determined to get accepted in the school. As they entered Ruby entered the school interview leaving Aqua and Amber alone.

"Amber, make sure and make sure she doesn't become an idol no matter what"Aqua said as he looked ahead at the wall," Yeah I know you don't want her to end up like Ai" Amber replied as she stared at the wall herself as they both stood there in silence Ruby came out from her interview with a huge smile, "Ok Amber it's your turn!" She said determined, " Ok I can do this! " Amber said as she walked into the interview room.

As she walked in the teachers looked at her in amazement, "Hello!My names Amber! nice fo meet you all!" She said as she copied Ai's tone of voice, " What will you be doing for us? " one of the interviewers asked as she walked Amber in admiration, "I'll sing!" Amber said as she smiled. Amber closed her eyes and started to sing. Amber's voice was beautiful, and just amazing over all, she wasn't surprised when the interviewers complemented her voice I mean she practiced ever since So died just to be like her.

Amber exited the interview with a smile on her face, "How was the interview Amber!" Ruby asked happily, " It was great! " Amber replied.Both Amber and Ruby started celebrating, when suddenly they heard a voice.

"Aqua!Aqua!Aqua hoshino!" A red haired girl said as she looked at Aqua, Amber immediately recognized her, " Your Arima! The little girl who could make herself in under a second! " Amber said as she pointed to the girl, "you know her Amber?" Ruby asked confused, " Yeah she's the girl Aqua worked in, in that one movie all those years ago"Amber replied,Ruby began to think hard, "Doesn't ring any bells" Ruby replied shattering Arima's pride a bit.

"Well I know you Amber your pretty popular" Arima said as she tried to ignore Rubies former comment , "She's kinda weird, but I guess we should get along right senpia?" Ruby replied to Arima_ " I WILL BULLY YOU! " Arima replied to her in an annoyed tone.

Amber Hoshino |ONKTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon