Chapter 3

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Amber sat in her bed that stood in a corner of her room where she had been for the last two days asking herself the same question over and over and over again, "Do I love Ai? Do I even know how to feel love?Do I even know what love is? " she asked herself the stars in her eyes dark, her eyes dull and depressed. Amber looked out the window right next to her bed, one star shined brightly the star reminded her of Ai's eyes, those beautiful eyes, those eyes filled of lies and love. "It's funny really, When I saw Ai dead...for the first time in my life I felt like I saw the true Ai" Amber muttered.

"Ai's eyes were filled of so much pain now that I think about it" Amber continued, "filled of so much pain, lies, hate but so much happiness and care.. And love" Amber finished, "Ai found out the meaning of love, I thought I knew but... Maybe Aqua's right, maybe I never did love Ai maybe... I was just using her to fell like was loved" Amber's eyes got darker.

"I really don't know what love is the meaning, I don't know how to love, what is love and who I love, I thought I loved Ai but... Maybe Aqua's right... Maybe I just loved the attention... "

Amber slowly got out of her bed as her legs hit the ground, as her legs touched the ground she fell to the ground, she hasn't eaten for two days straight so she felt weak, she couldn't move well but she forced herself to get up and walks towards her bedroom, she opens her room door using the wall to support herself, "Miyako... Ruby... Aqua... " she said in a whisper, she continued to walk the walk supporting her she slowly made her way to the kitchen, her eyed stared, "Miyako" she whispered, "Amber! " Miyako said happily tears falling from her eyes, Miyako engulfed Amber in a hug, "Your out of that room" Miyako said, "I was so worried" Maya Moore finished crying.

"Miyako I'm hungry" Amber said, "Of course! You haven't eaten in two day you reLly do need food" Miyako sat Amber down and began feeding her food and gave her water to drink, "relax for a little bit don't push your body to much ok" Miyako said and she hugged Amber.

"ok Miyako " Amber said her voice tired, Miyako smiled at Amber as she left the room to get ready to go to the store, Amber sat there quitely her mind still in a whole other place, "Amber" a voice said to her, "Aqua" Amber replied, "I'll help you just leave me alone... " Aqua smiled and left her alone he honestly didn't think it would be that easy to manipulate her emotions.

Amber sat there her eyes dull and black the star in her eyes were pitch black, how did Ai always look so happy when she was hurt? Just how did she...pretend so well?, Amber just couldn't help but ask herself that.

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