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Y/n pov
I got ready within 15 min. I told Jimin that I'll drive today. He looked at me confused because I never drove after he came and then gave me the car key.
When it was like 5 min to reach college, I called Zara .
"Are you college?".
"Yes , why ? Are you not coming-"
"Bring Ella near the college entrance".
"Just do what I say , you'll enjoy it".
"Okay" she hung up .
"Whom you called?". Jimin asked
"Why did you tell her to bring Ella out?". I looked at him and smiled.
"Surprise , just wait and watch".
"Y/n , what stunt are you playing now? You literally knocked and came to the death door the day before yesterday . Please don't do anything stupid ".
"Don't worry , Jimin ". I just said and entered the college.
"Y/n !! Parking lot is on that side . Why are you near the main door?".
"Did you forget how you gave a grand entry to the college? I'm doing that same thing". I said and searched for Ella, then I saw her standing on the right side , I pressed the accelerator and went straight towards her.
She saw the car and froze on her spot and yelled, closing her ears .

Jimin pov
I felt something was off when Y/n asked for the car key and now the way she increased the speed of the car gave me a mini heart attack. I saw the direction where she was going, it's near Ella . If she goes this much speed, she'll surely hit Ella. I thought she'll stop but no . Instead she increased still more speed and drove straight in front of Ella. My mind got fixed that she'll kill Ella today. I closed my eyes out of fear. Everybody screamed. Suddenly the car stopped. Did she-did she really kill her? I slowly opened my eyes , Ella was not there in front. What the hell happened?.
Soon , Y/n got out and I followed her . There I saw Ella sitting on the ground. She's alive  , there was a centimetres gap between her and the car . I think due to fear , she lost balance and collapsed down or maybe she fell down because she was relieved that she's safe. Whatever , Ella really had a near death experience for sure.
"How's the experience , Ella? Felt thrilled?" Y/n asked Ella who was still on the ground in the face of shock. She didn't say anything , she was still progressing from what happened just now . Not only her, everyone present there thought Ella would die and was beyond shock seeing what happened in front of them.
"Loss for words?" Y/n asked her.
She then slowly got on Ella's level.
"Did your life flash before your eyes ? Tell me something? Don't be mute ". Still Ella was speechless.
" You planned everything to kill me that day right ?
I mean it was a really extraordinary plan. Even , I thought I'd die that day . You gave me a good experience, that's why I did you a favour . I gave you the same experience, how did you feel? Happy?"
That day ? Which day is she talking about? Oh!! The day she was locked in the restroom ? So , Ella is the one who locked her in the room? Not San?. Now I regret why she stopped the car , she should have gone on her and killed her.

Y/n pov
"I'll tell Taehyung about this". Ella said , huh? The audacity.
"Go !! Tell him. Then I'll tell him why I did this . I'll tell him all your truth".
"Don't you dare". She said,
"Then you don't dare to create anything like that , got it?".
"Will you not ask me why I did that?".
"No…because I already know why you did that".
"Then be a good girl and don't disturb Taehyung from now on ".
"Me? Hahaha , me? I'm disturbing him ? Did he tell you that?"
"No , but I can sense it . I can see how much he hates you in his eyes ".
"He hates me? Darling , do you know why Taehyung didn't receive your calls yesterday?". I said, making her shocked.
"How do you know that he didn't receive-".
"Because….ask him only , okay ? Byeeeee ". I said and gave Jimin a car key to park then went inside the college.
I went to class and searched for Taehyung, is he absent today?

Taehyung pov
"OHHH!!! So you spent whole fucking day with her!!! I never thought my tae would be this romantic!!! Woww, bro !!! You are literally giving me a whole zoo inside my stomach ".
"Shut up Jungkook ".
Jungkook brought me to the college terrace telling me he had something important to ask and it turned out to be about yesterday's date. I'm done with him for real.
"Now you don't tell me to stop, okay? After everything happened".
"Nothing happened okay. She took me to the  movie then I took her to the beach , that's it".
"Ohhhhh… movie date !!!! and the beach !!! You took her to the beach!!!!! How romantic!!! Literally Taehyung, beach is the best spot for date did great job".
"Hmm…thank you".
"Then , where's the party?"
"Party? Why?"
"You guys got committed now? Where's the part?".
"Who said we got committed? It was just a date".
"Just a date? GOD!! I'M DONE !! I literally hyped for nothing".
"That's why , I told you to hear everything first ".
"Okay okay , but why? I mean, why did you agree to go on a date ?".
"Because…I was feeling guilty for what happened to her at the cultural fest".
"You got to know who did that? I mean who locked her?". I just nodded.
"Wow , who bro?"
"I knew it!!".
"It's so obvious, I don't know how you didn't get to know that . So I think you also know the reason?".
"Yeah!! I found out the reason. She did that because of me , that's why I'm feeling guilty".
"Don't worry bro, Y/n will not hold a grudge on you for Ella's work".
My phone rang, Ella was calling. I took deep breath and received it.
"Yes Ella , tell me".
"Where are you? I'm searching for you in the whole college".
"Coming Ella, I'll be in class within 5 Minutes". She said okay and hung up.
Me and Jungkook entered the class to see Ella was already sitting in her place which is next to mine.
I even saw Y/n sitting in her place and talking with Zara. I went and sat in my place.
"Taehyung, where did you go?" Ella asked . Taehyung, act normal.
"Just went to talk with Jungkook about something".
"Oh okay , by the way, why didn't you pick my call or message me yesterday? Were you too busy? I told you na I want to tell you something important yesterday. Still , how can you leave me?".
" I had some important work". I said.
"What important work , Taehyung?" I heard Y/n saying, he came near me and sat on the opposite bench facing us.
"Hmm? Cat got your tongue?" She said again.
"Tell Taehyung, what did you do yesterday? With whom you were yesterday? Where did you all go yesterday? Tell her Taehyung-I mean , Boo Bear".
"Yeah , he said but not his mom".
"What do you mean?".
"Boo Bear , tell her know ".
"Ella, actually me and Y/n went on a date yesterday , I even took her to my house . She told this nickname to my mom and my mom gave her permission to call me like that ".
"What? Went on a date? And you took her home , when you didn't take me there even once? She met your mom ? When I never even spoke with her? What's all this Taehyung?? Why did you do that? ". Ella asked.
"You know where we all went for a date?" Y/n said.
"No!! I don't want to hear that" Ella said.
"If you don't want to, I don't care , I want to hear , tell me Y/n" Jimin came out of nowhere and said.
"We went for….movie ".
Whole class went OHHHHHHHH .
"Then we had food in good
restaurants ".
"Then we went to the beach".
"Bitch?" Jimin asked.
"Noo beach, B E A C H ." I said.
"Oh okay okay … wow Y/n , it's so romantic" Jimin said.
" I know right". She said,
Now everyone in the class started to talk to themself about this .
"STOP IT!!!!!" Ella shouted making class go silent.
"YOU-" Before Y/n say something, the lecture came into class . So everyone sat in their place.
I planned to talk to Ella after classes. I wanna ask her everything and scold her and tell her not to do this kind of thing from now onwards. Y/n told me to be normal but I can't. She literally tried to kill Y/n , that's dangerous. If I don't stop now , I think it will go on even longer.
After class , Ella left college Without telling me. I tried to call her but Jungkook came to ask me about some maths problem, in that gap she escaped.
I went home thinking about what all happened today.
I rang the bell , but mom didn't open the door.
"MOM!!! YOU THERE?? OPEN!!" I called. Did she go somewhere? Like to bring gloccery or anything? I also have a spare key in my bag . So I opened the door using that.
"Mom?" I called her again. No response. Did she really go out ? I took a water bottle from the fridge and was about to drink , then it hit me. Mom never goes out during the time which I come back from college. She would definitely call me if she's going out . Something is wrong.
I ran to her room and kept my hand on my mouth in shock.

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