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Y/n pov
It's been 5 days since Taehyung has been absent . I tried to message even though I know he won't reply. I called him but he didn't reply , this got me tense. So , today I'm planning to ask Ella. I saw her standing in the corridor.
"Ella!?" I called her , and she turned towards me.
"Do you know where Taehyung is? I mean he hasn't come to college for the past 5 days , I'm scared".
"He didn't tell you?".
"Woww!! Can you see now who's important to Taehyung? It's me ! He told me and he said not to tell anyone ".
"Yes, especially to you ".
"Ohh" literally nothing came out of my mouth. I was blank , I mean I didn't expect that Taehyung would tell me but in fact she was telling me that she know made my heart crushed into pieces. It's okay ,  I'm not more important than her to Taehyung because she's literally his best friend so he'll definitely tell her and that's why I came to ask her. But somewhere my heart didn't take it , I feel like he's in danger or something is happening in his life now.
"He's okay right?" I asked.
"Yeah , if you're not with him . He'll always be okay," She said.
I just smiled and went from there .
I went straight to the washroom, I felt like crying. I don't know why but I miss him so much . My heart feels heavy, I feel something is dangerous in his life. How can I contact him!! I wanna know about him!! Why can't he just receive my call and say 'I'm fine' and hang up? Why can't he do that!! I washed my face and came out . I stopped in my track when I heard someone's voice.
"You really wanna see him?". I turned to see Jimin standing leaning to the wall. I just kept silent.
"I'm asking you something".
"Yes , but I know you don't know anything about him-".
"I know ". He said, making me shocked.
"I know where he is".
"Hospital, his mom got admitted".
"What!!!! What happened to her ? Is she okay? Which hospital-".
"Y/n relax , nothing happened to her . Just her BP imbalance, if you want to meet her go to Xyz hospital".
"Okay thanks " I said and went straight to hospital in my car.
I entered the hospital and went to told the receptionist her name . She said she's in a special ward . I went there and saw her sleeping on the bed. I slowly went inside the room not making noise because I didn't want her to wake up.
"Hey Y/n" she's awake?
"Hi auntie".
"How come you're here?"
"I got to know you got admitted in hospital so I came to see you".
"Ohhh Taetae told you already?".
"No , he didn't tell-"
"Come come , sit here" she tapped a chair next to her. I went and sat there.
"Where's Taehyung?"
"Taehyung? Still you're calling him by name?"
"Auntie , actually I have to tell you one truth ".
"What? That you're not his girlfriend?".
"YOU- you knew?"
"How can I not? He said long back that if he likes someone, he'll definitely come to me and take permission before proposing to her . So I knew you were lying."
"Still you get along with it?"
"Yeah, because I thought it was cute. I mean you guys looked together perfectly so I didn't have any choice".
"Really? So would you agree if I became his girlfriend?".
" Yeah , I would love to." She said it made me happy .
"Auntie , now leave that . Tell me how's your health? How did you end up here?".
" Nothing happened to me Y/n , it's just a BP imbalance. I passed out in my room, then when I woke up I was in this room. I told Taetae that I'm okay, still he's not agreeing with me and taking me home. At Least you tell him to take me home  .
"Where's he?"
"He went to talk with the doctor".
"Oh okay".
"Look he came". I turned to see Taehyung standing in front of the door in shock.
" When you came?". He asked.
"She came just now ". Mrs Kim said.
"Taehyung, what doctor said?". I asked him.
" They said , she's alright and I can take her home".
"OMG finally" auntie said.
"Thank god" I sighed.
"Go go, take Y/n and clear the bill. Come back fast , let's go out of this hospital". Auntie said.
"Okay" he said and I went with him.
We went lil far from the door . Taehyung stopped walking and turned towards me.
"Who told you that I'm here?". What should I say now? Should I say Jimin?
"Hmm…Ella. Ella told me".
"Ella? No way".
"Because she doesn't know I'm here. She doesn't know that my mom is admitted. I told nobody about this , I received nobody's call".
"What oh? Now tell me , did Jimin tell you?".
Oh he knows.
"Yeah , he only".

Taehyung pov
I knew it!! I told him not to tell but still!! Did he ever listen to me?

I came back from medical , I went to bring medicine for my mom. I entered the room and saw Jimin. What the hell is he doing here? He doesn't have any right to talk with my mom!!.
"Taetae !! Look who came to see me!! Jiminie!!" My mom said happily, how can she still care about him after all that he did?
I just smiled and went towards her and stood beside him.
"Wow !! It's been so many years seeing you too together!! You have grown a lot". She said being emotional.
"Taetae , he joined your college only it seems. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you bring him home?".
"Because he already has a better home than ours". I said side eyeing Jimin.
"Taetae , don't be a brat-".
"It's okay mom , I understand him". Jimin said , No !! He lost his right to call my mom as his mom long way back.
"Okay mom , I have to go now ". He said,
" Okay my son , take care ha? Eat well, and come home when you're free , I'll make you your Favourite cheese balls".
"For sure mom".
"Taetae , go leave him and come".
"Mom , he came alone so he knows how to go-.
"TAETAE!! Just do as I say". She said and I went out , Jimin followed me.
"Why the hell are you here?" I asked him when we came out .
"To see mom".
"Taehyung please, just because our friendship ended doesn't mean that I want to forget your mom also".
"That's what you did these many days, right? Where were you? You just left your so-called mom and went abroad ".
"I had a reason ".
"Bullshit ".
"Taehyung please, let misunderstanding be between us . Please don't stop me seeing your mom , she's taken care of me like her own son . I love her alot , I want to be with her in this kind of situation. So please let's forget everything and be normal". He said, making me chuckle.
"You know I hate you right? The reason why I'm like this is all because of you !! YOU!! you made me heartless , you made me hate rich people, you give me all the insecurities which I have now. And now you tell me to be normal? I can't, I can't change anything in my life . I hate you from deep down my heart , you literally left me just because I'm poor. You were my only friend since I was born, I literally thought you were like a brother and what you did? Let me tell you Jimin , that day what all you said to me is still ringing in my head . I never forgot about that , you literally took Innocent, childish bubbly Taehyung from me and turned me into heartless, cold , doesn't make friends and hates rich people. You are the main reason why I hate every rich person including Y/n. I hate her because of you. You're indirectly the reason for her cry. I won't accept her proposal because of you. I will be heartless till the end because of you . You , you , you , it's all because of only YOU!! I can't love her because of you . I have trust issues with rich people because of you . It's all you , Jimin and you want me to forget ? Funny". I broke down. I got on my knees and started crying. I lifted my head to see him crying as well . Why now? Now he regrets it. But I don't want that now . I hate him to the core now.
"I'm sorry , I didn't know that I made you suffer this much . I'm really sorry , if you don't like my presence then I won't disturb you from today ". He Jimin and started going.
"Wait" I said.
"Don't tell anyone that I'm here , especially to Y/n . I don't want her to get tense and come here".
"Then why don't you call and tell her all the details".
"I already told you , I don't want to get along with another rich kid and become heartbroken again".
He just went without telling anything.
Flashback ends.

" I only forced him to say that , I'm sorry . I was very tense so he didn't have any choice,"Y/n said.
"Okay okay  , now don't create a scene in the hospital also".
"So you didn't tell Ella that you're in hospital?".
"No!! I didn't tell her , I didn't talk to her at all".
"Oh okay".
"Done? Can you go home now?".
"But auntie said to pay the bill together-".
"I can manage , you better go . It's not like they'll give a discount for your beauty ". Shit , I regret.
"Beauty? So you think I'm beautiful?".
"Every girl is beautiful in their own way".
"Hmmm…okay okay , I'll go Mr handsome. You can carry on". She was about to go but stopped on her track. She turned towards me and came forward and hugged me, making me freeze.
"I agree I came to check on auntie but 90% I came for you. Everybody will ask patients about their health but nobody asks about their relatives. I know you had a hard time these many days . I can see that you're strong Taehyung . I'm proud of you, you handled the situation well . Seriously if something happens to my dad , I'll lose my shit and my mind will not work . I will ask for someone's help because I can't handle this kind of situation alone . But you did!! That's why I like you" she said while hugging me , my heart started to rise . Nothing came out of my mouth. She released her hands .
"Thanks" I said , that's it. I couldn't say anything because she really read me . I mean at some point I wanted someone to lean my head on their shoulder. When I sat outside the ward I really felt if I had someone who could hold my hand and say "Don't worry , your mom will be alright ". I really wanted anyone who can say that. I was surprised that she said that , maybe it's visible in my eyes.

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