Chapter 11: Some Sisterly Advice

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Liam was sitting down on his bed when he heard a knock on the door. "Please, not now, Mary" he called out.

His brows furrowed when the door started to open. "I said--"

He paused when a girl with light blue hair and deep blue eyes walked in. Her tight black long sleeve turtleneck and grey skinny jeans showed off her curvy figure as she took a step inside his room. "If you checked your phone, you would've been expecting me" she sighed.

"Trish" Liam breathed.

Trish, his twenty-two-year-old sister who recently graduated from college. She rarely visited, but they were still pretty close as siblings. "Alright, what's up little bro?"

"What? Nothing, I--"

"You can't bullshit me. It's written all over your face" she said, sitting next to him. "What's up?"

Liam sighed and gave in. Before he knew it, tears were rolling down his cheeks. He didn't object when Trish wrapped her arm around him and started to gently play with his hair. She always knew how to calm him down.

"Remember Emma?"

"The girl you were obsessed with as a freshman?"


"What about her?"

"I, uh..."

Liam told her everything. How he had been treating her before they were paired up. How he started treating her while they were doing their project together and how his feelings felt like a hurricane. How they had kissed and... the party... All the way up to now where he finally confessed he was the one who ruined her high school life.

Trish had leaned away from him to look him in the eyes. "Well, then" she sighed. "Sounds like you got yourself in the doghouse, eh?"

He slowly nodded.

"You were gonna have to tell her eventually, so it was best to finally rip that band aid off. It took you a long ass time, but you got there."

"I know that" Liam said, dropping his head down to look at the floor.

"Look, kid" she started as she put her hand on his shoulder. "Just talk to her. I know it's easier said than done, but what else can you really do?"


"Oh, and maybe some food. Girls like food" she winked.

Liam gave a half smile. "I don't know where she is though."

"Try her house."

"Good idea."

Trish ran her fingers through her hair as Liam pulled out his phone to scroll through his messages with Emma. Since they didn't text much, it didn't take long for him to find the time where she sent him her address in case they wanted to do the project at her house.

"Well?" she asked after he had been staring down at his phone for a good two minutes.

He shook his head. "What do I even say? After all that? Where would I even start?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe with an apology?"

Liam frowned at his sister's smartass reply. "Duly noted."

Trish grinned and ruffled his hair. "Do you have anything specific you want her to know?"

"I love her" he whispered without hesitation. "I have ever since freshman year. That's why I've been single this whole time. She was the only one I wanted, and she still is. But... I didn't know how I could ever face her again after what I did to her."

"Depressing ass" Trish muttered, crossing her legs.

"Okay, rude--"

"I'm kidding" she said, nudging his shoulder. "Mostly."

Liam cocked his brow.

"Now you know what you wanna tell her," she grinned. "All that's left to do is... tell her."

He let out a dramatic sigh. "Will she ever forgive me though?"

"Well, you won't find out if you keep sitting on your ass now, will you?"

"Okay" he sighed again. His lips parted to say something but was interrupted when he got a text. His heart thumped loudly in his chest as her name popped up on the screen.


Trish sat silently next to him, waiting for him to speak.

His eyes widened at the message. "You have always had my heart and even though you have broken it, it will always be yours. I love you."

"Was that what she said?" Trish asked casually. "That's some poetic shit someone would say before they died or something."

"Yeah, it--" he paused.


She wouldn't.

His mind went back to the night of the party when he saw every inch of her including the scars on her wrists he dismissed at the time.

She wouldn't. She wouldn't. She wouldn--

"Go to her" Trish's voice said, breaking his thoughts.

Liam nodded, sprinting out the door and into his car, typing in the address into his GPS.

He had never slammed his foot on the gas petal with so much force before as he drove off. 

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