Chapter 12: Don't Go

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Liam pulled up to Emma's driveway and took a look at her house. Bigger than he had imagined. Not as big as his place, but it wasn't a small house. From this view, it looked like there was a balcony in the back on the second floor.

His heart pounded.

He slammed his car door shut as he ran up to her front door. It was unlocked.

Thank fuck.

He opened it and looked around the silent house. Not hearing any noise from downstairs, he decided to dash up the stairs, two steps at a time. When he called out for her, he panicked when he didn't hear a response. When he heard the slightest noise coming from a nearby room, he jerked his head to look in that direction.

The door was cracked open and if he listened closely, he could hear the night breeze.

Liam quickly opened the door and stared at her.

Her dark hair was flowing in the wind like it always did, but this image was darkened by the sight of blood dripping down her forearms onto the balcony. Her bare feet stood on the top of it as she looked out into the forest behind her house. Liam couldn't tell if she had noticed that he was here, but he didn't want to startle her when the smallest movement could cause her to fall.

So, he slowly started to approach her, making sure not to make a sou--

"Liam" she breathed, not turning around.

He paused and watched as she slowly turned around. Up close, it could be seen that her eyes were read, and her lashes were damp. "Emma..."

"You shouldn't have come here."

"I just wanted to say--"

"I don't wanna talk to you."

Liam swallowed. "Could you at least... get off the balcony?" he asked carefully.

Emma gave him a weak smile. "Liam... I was never meant to be here to begin with. This is my time."

"No, it isn't!" he snapped. "You're seventeen. Right now is definitely not your time."

"How would you know? You have no idea what goes on in my mind and what I've been through."

He took a step closer. "You're right. But I want to. I want to get to know you better, Emma. And I thought I was starting to."

"You were" she admitted. "But it's too late. I've made up my mind. I'm tired, Liam."

Another step. "Let me be there for you."

"No. I don't want to drag you into my stupid worthless life."

"Your life means so much to me" he whispered, watching her eyes widen. "Let me in, Emma."

Emma shook her head as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, Liam."

"Emma" Liam whispered her name as if it would be his last word.

She shook her head again. "Liam... I truly do hope to meet you again in another life. But not this one."

"Is this all because of me?" he asked, finding himself blinking back his own tears. "Did I do this to you?"

"No, Liam" she breathed. "I grew up without a father and with a mother who basically left my life as soon as I started high school. She wasn't even there that much through my middle school years. I didn't have any siblings to keep me company or give me any kind of support I needed. I'm honestly average in school; I don't have much going for me in that department. I don't have a job or a car to go places and meet new people. I've always been a waste of space. What purpose do I have here?"

All Liam could do was stare as she continued.

"I never had any friends to convince me that at least some of those thoughts weren't true. That maybe I did have some purpose that I wasn't seeing. You were my purpose. But I'm really tired of feeling so... worthless."

"You're not worthless" Liam whispered, opening his arms as if he could reach her. "You're smart, kind, beautiful... you have friends too. Bryson, Sam, me if you could ever forgive me... This world is shitty but let me be the one to make is less shitty for you."

"Liam" she said with a flicker of sorrow in her eyes. Her lips parted as she mouthed three words to him before turning away.


She inched forward towards the edge.


He was running towards her now as she started to lean forward.


But once he blinked...

She was gone. 

And her unspoken words were dragged away with her.

I love you. 

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