Bonus Chapter!

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A/N: Last chapter was the end of Liam and Emma's story, but I decided to add in this bonus chapter that's about Sam and Bryson {ಠ‿↼} This takes place before the last chapter and explains how they got together. Enjoy <3

After Emma and Liam had left the fast-food place, Sam and Bryson were left together to finish their food in awkward silence.

"My place later?" Sam finally asked.

Bryson grinned. "Yeah. I'm in the mood to kick your ass at that new NBA game we got."

"I beat you last time!"

"By cheating."

"I still won."

Bryson rolled his eyes as he collected his trash and went to throw it away with Sam on his heels. When Sam's hand brushed against his arm, he couldn't stop the warm feeling from developing in him. He had liked Sam for a while, but always masked it in fear that he didn't feel the same and in fear that it would ruin their friendship.

And Sam was the living definition of a loose cannon. No one could ever tell what he was thinking. Except for Bryson. So, when Bryson was having trouble with seeing if Sam felt the same way, it bothered him. He'd have to tell him eventually. And sooner than later.

"Loser has to take a shot!" Sam declared as he brought out a bottle of vodka and some shot glasses while Bryson settled on the couch in front of the T.V. "It'll be fun!"

It'll give me the confidence to tell you how I feel.

He was sick of pretending to be someone he's not and if there was even the slightest chance that Bryson was doing the same... Sam kept his thoughts to himself as he looked at Bryson with his typical shit eating grin.

Bryson rolled his eyes. "Whatever will get you to shut up."

Sam laughed as he set down the vodka and shot glasses next to them on a small table. He handed Bryson the second controller and started the game.

Of course, Sam lost the first time around and took his first shot before they had a rematch. Like last time, he had to give Bryson's foot a kick to catch him off guard several times. He smirked as he watched Bryson give him a pointed look before taking his first shot.

They played several times until they settled for a score of 4-5 with Bryson having won 5 times. By the time they were done, they had somehow managed to move closer to each other with their arms looking to be glued to each other.

When Bryson got up to go to the bathroom, Sam took this time to try to clear his head as best he could. He was drunk, but he was feeling confident... Right?

Sam stood up when he heard Bryson's footsteps and turned around to face him. He thought he hadn't been making a face until Bryson furrowed his brows. "You alright, man? You're looking a little sick... was the vodka too strong?"

It's not the vodka.

"N-no it's fine" Sam said with a nervous laugh, feeling his heart flutter when Bryson walked closer to him. "Just, uh--"

Bryson arched his brow.

"Could you, like-- come here" Sam said hesitantly.

Bryson gave him a suspicious glance before walking closer until he was an arm's length away. Sam didn't know if it was the alcohol or his insane ability to remain calm, but Bryson didn't flinch or move a muscle when Sam took a step closer.


Sam's eyes drifted from Bryson's eyes to his lips then back up to his eyes.

"Sam" Bryson said again.

Sam said nothing. He decided to be his usual reckless self and deal with the consequences later. He grabbed Bryson's jacket and pulled him closer, fully closing the distance between them before smashing their lips together.

He gasped when he felt Bryson's warm hand go under his shirt to trail up his back. Bryson's other hand was already on Sam's waist, getting a firm grip on it. Sam moved his own hands up from Bryson's chest to around his shoulders as he turned his back to the couch and pulled Bryson down on top of him.

Bryson grabbed Sam's wrists and pinned them next to his head while sliding his knee in between Sam's thighs. Sam moaned into the kiss before Bryson started kissing down his neck, making sure to leave marks.

"This better not be the vodka" Sam whispered.

"I've wanted you way before tonight. It's not the vodka."

Sam's face heated up as Bryson made his way to his collarbone. Bryson's hands let go of Sam's wrist to take off his own shirt before taking off Sam's. His hand was near the bottom of Sam's stomach, about to slide down his sweatpants when he paused. Their eyes locked before Sam gave him a smirk and a, "Do it, pussy."

Bryson smiled and shook his head as he stripped Sam from the rest of his clothes before taking off his own. The two of them entangled themselves on the couch and roughly kissed while their hands traveled all over each other's bodies.

After going at it for hours, Sam was finally exhausted and had passed out on the couch while snuggling into Bryson's chest. Bryson had wrapped a warm blanket around them while holding Sam close to him, afraid this was all a dream.

If this is a dream, I never wanna wake up.

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