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In the soft glow of dawn, Taehyung awoke at the customary hour of 7 am. As consciousness gently reclaimed him, his eyes fell upon the enchanting sight of Jungkook, nestled in his arms, peacefully adrift in the realm of dreams. A tender chuckle escaped Taehyung's lips, a symphony of affection echoing in the quiet morning, as he marveled at the tranquility etched across Jungkook's slumbering visage.

Taehyung couldn't help but smile at the sight of Jungkook's serene expression. Gently brushing a strand of hair away from Jungkook's face, Faced with the demands of the day, Taehyung resolved to rouse Jungkook from his blissful slumber.

"Jungkook, wake up! You have school today," he implored, the urgency of the morning resonating in his voice. However, Jungkook, entrenched in the realm of deep sleep, remained unresponsive, prompting Taehyung to employ a more tactile approach.

Gently, he shook Jungkook, his voice a gentle coaxing melody, "Jungkookie, it's time to rise." Undeterred by Jungkook's persistent slumber, Taehyung, with tender fingers, pinched his cheek, the gesture a delicate nudge to breach the tranquil sanctuary of sleep.

Jungkook stirred slightly, a faint groan escaping his lips as the pinch registered in his dream-laden consciousness. Taehyung persisted, his touch a gentle insistence against the morning inertia.

"Come on, sleepyhead. School awaits, and we have a busy day ahead," Taehyung murmured, the soft timbre of his voice attempting to navigate through the layers of Jungkook's drowsiness.

Finally, as the haze of slumber began to lift, Jungkook fluttered his eyes open, greeted by Taehyung's patient gaze. A momentary disorientation gave way to a sleepy smile as he realized the day's responsibilities.

"Good morning, hyung," Jungkook mumbled, his voice still laced with traces of sleep. Taehyung grinned, relieved that the coaxing had succeeded.

Taehyung instructed Jungkook, "Go freshen up and come down for breakfast." Jungkook nodded in acknowledgment as Taehyung made his way to the bathroom, and Jungkook retreated to his own room for his morning routine. As the sound of running water filled the spaces, both preparing for the day ahead.

Once they completed their respective rituals, they descended the stairs together, arriving at the dining table where the maid had already set out breakfast. Taehyung, seated and patiently waiting, welcomed Jungkook to the chair opposite him, a subtle shift from the usual beside placement.

After finishing breakfast in a shared silence, Jungkook, ready for school, caught Taehyung's gaze as he observed the unconventional choice of attire. Sensing the scrutiny, Jungkook nervously inquired, "Is anything wrong?"

Taehyung, his eyes fixed on Jungkook, replied, "You're going to school dressed like this?"

Jungkook, slightly taken aback, responded, "Um, yes. Why?"

With a dismissive tone, Taehyung said, "Nothing. Let's go; it's getting late. I'll be waiting in the car. Grab your bag and come quickly." As Taehyung headed to the car, a perplexing internal struggle nagged at him. "What's wrong with me?" he wondered, questioning the unexpected concern. Jungkook joined him in the car, and they set off, the unspoken tension lingering between them.

The car ride to Jungkook's university unfolded in a contemplative quietness. Taehyung, still wrestling with his own unexplained reaction, stole occasional glances at Jungkook, who seemed absorbed in the passing scenery.

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