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As the days turned into weeks, the morning sun painted the sky with hues of dawn. Taehyung found himself increasingly consumed by the demands of his new CEO project, a colossal undertaking that required his undivided attention.

On the other hand, Jungkook immersed himself in his studies, resulting in a notable improvement in his academic performance. The glow of achievement reflected in his grades brought a genuine smile to Taehyung's face. The subtle pride in Jungkook's accomplishments became a source of joy amid Taehyung's hectic schedule.

Their lives, entwined within the mansion's walls, continued to unfold with each passing day. Shared glances and unspoken understanding defined their interactions, forming a silent bond that withstood the pressures of Taehyung's demanding work and Jungkook's academic endeavors.

One weekend, Jungkook, in search of something to do, decided to explore the mansion more closely. As he wandered through the vast space, he stumbled upon a hidden gem—a small, forgotten library tucked away in the ground floor. Intrigued, Jungkook opened the creaking door, revealing a room draped in dust and dimly lit by a few lamps.

Undeterred by the neglected state of the library, Jungkook's eyes lit up as he discovered rows of old books waiting to be explored. Excitement filled the air as he began perusing the titles one by one. However, in his enthusiasm, he unwittingly triggered a mechanism, causing the door to become stuck and sealing him inside.

Undeterred by the unexpected confinement, Jungkook continued his exploration, the soft glow of the lamps casting an ethereal light on the ancient tomes that surrounded him.

Little did Jungkook know that the door, which had become stuck, showed no signs of opening again. However, undeterred by this realization, he continued his exploration of the hidden library for about an hour.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Taehyung, the CEO, returned home weary from his demanding day, continuing with his routine. The quiet mansion walls bore witness to the unfolding events—Jungkook immersed in the mysteries of the forgotten library, and Taehyung, unaware of Jungkook's predicament.

As Taehyung freshened up and proceeded to have dinner, he instructed the maids, "Go and call Jungkook to join for dinner."

The maids nodded and went to summon Jungkook. However, after 10 minutes, they returned, and one of them said, "Sir is not in his room, Master."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and questioned, "Did you check the bathroom and everywhere?"

The maid nodded affirmatively, replying, "Yes, sir, I did." The unexpected absence of Jungkook sparked on Taehyung's mind.

Taehyung, growing concerned, questioned the maids, "Did Jungkook come home after school?"

The maid nodded, affirming that Jungkook had indeed returned home and was in his room. In response, Taehyung inquired further, "Did he leave his room after school?"

The maid replied, "No, Master. Sir was home. We observed him roaming around the mansion."

Feeling a sense of relief that Jungkook was somewhere in the mansion, Taehyung decided to verify for himself. As he reached Jungkook's room, he found it empty. His search intensified as he checked every room, calling out for Jungkook. The mansion, once familiar, seemed to conceal its secrets, leaving Taehyung with a growing sense of worry.

Jungkook, on the other side of the stuck door, continued his futile attempts to open it. Anxiety gripped him as the realization set in that he might be trapped. The dimly lit library, once a fascinating discovery, now felt like a labyrinth closing in on him.

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