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As Taehyung let Jungkook into his cabinet, the air carried an unspoken tension from the earlier confrontation. Jungkook placed the dinner box on Taehyung's desk, saying, "Hyung, this is your lunch box. Mom cooked for you."

Teasingly, Taehyung asked, "You didn't?"

Confused, Jungkook replied, "Huh?"

Quickly changing the subject, Taehyung asked, "Have you eaten?"

Jungkook answered, "No. I'll have it when I go home. Now, I'm going. Bye."

As Jungkook moved towards the door, Taehyung intercepted him, saying, "Did I give you permission to leave? Stay here and eat with me, okay?"

Puzzled, Jungkook explained, "My knees are hurting. I want to go home."

Observing his office's lack of seating, Taehyung directed, "Go and sit in my chair."

Jungkook sighed and sat in a normal chair, but Taehyung insisted, "I said in my chair."

Weirded out, Jungkook moved to Taehyung's CEO chair. They both began eating, with Taehyung letting Jungkook have the first bite. As they finished, Taehyung focused on his laptop, and Jungkook stayed in his cabinet, knowing they would go home together later. Exhausted, Jungkook eventually drifted into sleep on the grand CEO chair.

As a subtle knock echoed on the door of Taehyung's office, he sighed in irritation, his response barely audible, "Come." Keeping his voice low so as not to disturb the peacefully sleeping Jungkook, the door opened gradually to reveal Yoongi—Taehyung's trusted assistant.

Upon entering, Yoongi was met with a sight that left him utterly shocked and stunned. There, occupying Taehyung's prestigious CEO chair, was Jungkook. This unexpected scene caught Yoongi off guard, as even Taehyung's closest friends and assistants were never allowed to sit in that revered seat. The unusual sight left Yoongi in a state of disbelief

In an attempt not to reveal his disbelief, Yoongi addressed Taehyung calmly, "You have a meeting at 7."

Taehyung, subtly acknowledging, responded with a nod, "Cancel it."

Yoongi, now openly perplexed, raised his voice slightly, "It's important, Taehyung. We can't cancel it right now."

Taehyung, cautioning him with a lowered voice, said, "Keep your voice down; kookie will wake up. And cancel it, Hyung, I don't want any disturbances."

Yoongi sighed, nodded in understanding, and quietly exited the office, leaving Taehyung and the peacefully sleeping Jungkook in the unusual atmosphere.

As Taehyung glanced at Jungkook, he noticed his discomfort in sleep. With a gentle touch, he approached Jungkook and lifted him into his arms, cradling him like a baby to ensure undisturbed slumber. Taehyung settled back into his CEO chair, holding Jungkook close, letting him rest with his head on Taehyung's chest. In this quiet moment, the tension of the office dissipated, replaced by a serene stillness as Taehyung embraced the tranquility, guarding Jungkook's peaceful sleep.

As Taehyung resumed working on his laptop, he found Jungkook's rhythmic breathing against his neck to be a distracting itch.

Despite the distracting itch of Jungkook's rhythmic breathing against his neck, Taehyung delved into his work. The soft hum of the laptop and the occasional distant office sounds formed a peculiar harmony with Jungkook's gentle snores.

As the night grew later, Jungkook remained in the depths of a heavy slumber. With Taehyung completing his work, he gently cradled Jungkook in his arms, carrying him bridal style as they exited the office.

The sight left the employees in awe, their breaths collectively caught at the unprecedented sight of their typically cold and strict CEO, who never touched anyone, now tenderly carrying someone in his arms.

The office, once a realm of corporate rigidity, was momentarily softened by the unexpected tenderness of Taehyung's actions. The employees couldn't help but exchange astonished glances, witnessing their usually reserved CEO breaking the barriers of his own stoicism.

As Taehyung, indifferent to the curious glances of onlookers, called his driver, he summoned the chauffeur to take them to his mansion. Seated in the car with Jungkook cradled in his arms, they arrived at Taehyung's luxurious apartment. The elevator doors opened, revealing the quiet corridor leading to his abode.

Despite the late hour, the city's skyline painted a captivating scene. Taehyung carefully navigated through the dimly lit hallway, ensuring not to disturb Jungkook's peaceful slumber. Upon entering his mansion, the warm lights in the living room embraced them. The spacious area, accustomed to solitary nights, now witnessed an unexpected companionship.

Taehyung proceeded to his room, gently placing Jungkook on the bed to ensure his comfort. The room echoed with silence, only interrupted by the soft hum of the city outside. As Taehyung observed the serene night, his gaze lingered on Jungkook's relaxed form.

As Taehyung observed Jungkook peacefully asleep, the moon's gentle glow cast a reflective radiance upon his serene face. Captivated by the tranquil scene, Taehyung felt an irresistible urge to immortalize the moment. Retrieving his phone, he discreetly captured snapshots of Jungkook, cherishing the quiet beauty of his repose.

A soft chuckle escaped Taehyung's lips as he scrolled through the captured images. Unable to resist the charm of those sleeping features, he decided to make one of the photos his phone's wallpaper. The image of Jungkook in peaceful slumber now adorned Taehyung's phone, a private reminder of a moment frozen in time.

The night continued its gentle sway, the city's murmur outside blending with the quietude inside Taehyung's room. The moon retained its vigil, sharing its luminance with the intimate space.

Taehyung, still seated beside Jungkook, couldn't help but revel in the profound peace that enveloped them. The photos on his phone, each telling a silent tale of the night, became a personal treasure.

Eventually, as the night aged and the city whispered its nocturnal secrets, Taehyung allowed himself to lie beside Jungkook. He adjusted the blankets, creating a cocoon of warmth for both of them. The moonlight continued to dance upon Jungkook's features, etching a gentle glow.

In the quietude of the night, Taehyung found solace as he lay in bed, holding Jungkook close, as if fearing he might vanish if he let go. Jungkook, in his slumber, seemed to gravitate more into Taehyung's embrace, and it felt as though he was not only in Taehyung's arms but also finding a place within his heart.

As Taehyung closed his eyes, the tranquil presence of Jungkook beside him became a lullaby, serenading them into the embrace of shared dreams. The night unfolded its symphony, and the moon, a silent witness to the enigmatic connection between the two, painted their dreams with its ethereal hues


Dear readers, immerse yourselves in the tale of Taehyung and Jungkook, where the night unveils hidden emotions, and the moon casts its gentle glow on shared dreams. Join us as their journey unfolds, painting a canvas of unexpected companionship and the subtle nuances of love. Stay tuned for the chapters that await, as their story continues to weave through the tapestry of life.💗

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