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Hiii dear readers!!  💗 I hope y'all doing well !! I wanted say I might not write often as my college is opening etc.. Also I feel like the story is getting bored I might stop writing if I really don't think it's getting enough interesting or good even tho I thought I'll add more interesting things between them but I'm not getting the urge to write I hope I get that soon so that I can update more often for you all btw for now I'm back with another chapter today hope y'all enjoy it !
Happy reading 📖 ✨


Among the myriad of emotions and personal revelations within Jungkook's diary, Taehyung's attention was unexpectedly drawn to a particular entry: 'In the future, I want to be a writer!'

The simple yet profound declaration resonated deeply within Taehyung, stirring a sense of admiration and awe for Jungkook's aspirations. His dreams were painted with the strokes of a hopeful future. Taehyung found himself imagining Jungkook passionately weaving tales with his words, capturing the essence of life through the art of storytelling.

However, what truly captivated Taehyung was the way Jungkook expressed his thoughts about love. He wrote, 'I want to be loved.' The diary pages brimmed with yearning, a poignant desire for a love that transcended boundaries—a love that was deep, pure, and unending.

As Taehyung turned the page, he encountered something that left him speechless. The next line read, 'Why can't you love me, hyung? I hate you for not loving me. I'll never love you.'

The sudden shift in sentiment and the raw emotions expressed in those words struck Taehyung deeply.

As Taehyung turned the page, he encountered something that left him speechless. It depicted Taehyung holding Jungkook in his arms, drawn by Jungkook himself. The sight both amused and shocked Taehyung, witnessing Jungkook's artistic abilities portrayed in such a personal and intimate manner.

The detailed sketch captured a moment of tenderness and affection, displaying Taehyung cradling Jungkook.

Upon seeing it, Taehyung pondered in his mind, 'So, you love to draw me, huh? I see.'"

On the other hand, after enjoying his time with his family, Jungkook finally returned to his room. As he began unpacking his luggage and setting his clothes in the wardrobe, he suddenly noticed that his diary was missing. Panic started to creep in as he frantically searched through the entirety of his luggage, but the diary was nowhere to be found.

The realization struck him that he might have forgotten it in his or Taehyung's room, and the thought sent a wave of anxiety through him. He didn't know what to do next. What if Taehyung found his diary ? and read it he'll be done for sure, the mere idea made him more nervous.

Thinking quickly, Jungkook grabbed his phone and hesitated for a moment before deciding to call Taehyung, pondering the action twice before dialing the number.

As he called, Taehyung quickly picked up and teased, "Already missing me?"

Ignoring Taehyung's playful comment, Jungkook responded in an annoyed tone, "Hello, hyung. I called to ask if you found a a diary on my table or in your room?"

Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook's irritation, replying, "Whoa, calm down, angry bird. Firstly, it's our room, and secondly, your diary is right in front of me. You called at the perfect time."

Jungkook got angry that Taehyung had his diary and without permission. "Hyung, you shouldn't touch anyone's diary like that without permission," he snapped.

Taehyung playfully quipped, "Oh, but it's not just anyone's diary, it's my husband's diary, isn't it?"

Silenced by Taehyung's words, Jungkook hesitated before saying, "I'm telling you not to read it."

Surprised by Jungkook's cold tone, Taehyung attempted to lighten the mood, "You draw well, husband, but I'm sad you didn't call to talk to me."

Enraged, Jungkook abruptly ended the call, leaving Taehyung stunned by his behavior.

Taehyung immediately called back, hoping to calm things down. "Aish, hun, don't get that mad over it. I won't read it, I'll put it away, okay?"

Jungkook replied curtly, "Hm, thanks. Good night, hyung."

Taehyung persisted, "Whoa, a night owl sleeping early? Can't talk with me for a second, huh? Come on tell me, did you enjoy with your family today ?"

Jungkook responded with a nod, "Hm, I did"

Taehyung teased, "Ufff, it's soo cold."

Annoyed, Jungkook retorted, "Get a blanket and bye, hyung."

As Jungkook abruptly ended the call, Taehyung chuckled, imagining Jungkook's expression at that moment.

Setting the diary on his table, Taehyung refrained from reading further, respecting his husband's wishes, even though he had already read half of it.

Deciding to call it a night, Taehyung retired to his room and settled into bed. However, after 30 minutes, he found himself unable to sleep. Restless, he wandered to the balcony, gazing at the moon.

In a quiet tone, Taehyung murmured to himself, "I didn't know your presence would make my life this much easier. Now, without your presence, it's difficult to find peace and sleep peacefully."

With those words, he retrieved a cigarette and began smoking, trying to calm his mind.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was in his room engrossed in his book, initially giggling as he found solace in his favorite pastime. However, an hour later, the joy of reading diminished, and he struggled to find comfort. Constantly shifting positions in bed, he eventually gave up on sleep.

Restless, Jungkook got up and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water, hoping it would help him relax and eventually fall asleep.

As Jungkook returned to his room and found himself unable to sleep, he decided to gaze at the moon, hoping its calming sight might help him doze off. While observing the moon, he murmured softly to himself, "I hate you, but then why am I missing your presence? Why can't you let me sleep?"

See youu guys with another chapter sorry for this short chapter promise I would be back with another  long chapter for now I hope y'all enjoy!! 💗🌷

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