Chapter Nine

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Timothy's POV: 

There is a saying that's all like: Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it..

I feel like I was living that saying because back then I was complaining about having nobody to love me, then I had someone confessing their love for me but turns out he's a vampire. But it's what I wanted, it's what I wished for yet I was running away from them.

I also wished I had my best friends back and now here they are and I am running away from them. There was something seriously wrong with me but I had no idea what. Then I felt this feeling. This feeling that I had to go back to Iris and Collin.

But I had no choice but to follow these men. I just want to go back to when I knew absolutely nothing. No idea what I was getting myself into. I couldn't take it anymore. I turned and tried to get a last look of Collin and Iris. Both looking heart broken. I called out to them and their eyes snapped towards me. I began going towards them. I have no idea what I was doing but I felt as though I was being pulled over to them. But these men grabbed me from running away. Collin and Iris escaped from the men though and they ran towards me. But were tackled down. I struggled against the men but they only pulled me away harder. I felt my heart shatter at seeing my ex-bullies in pain. Why am I feeling pain for them? Why do I feel myself reaching out for them?

Without knowing what was going on, I felt my nails digging into the men's arms. They hissed and quickly let go. I ran towards Collin and Iris. "Let go of them!" I warned. They looked at me and backed up with their hands up. "Collin, Iris, get up!" I told them. They immediately did and then it was their turn to pull me. They pulled me towards the car. Once we all were in they drove fast, away through the boarder. Surprisingly, we were being let go. I took a deep breath.

"You got us out, Timothy." Iris smirked looking at me through the rear view mirror. I felt a flutter in my stomach. What's going on with me. I took another deep breath and just smiled back. There was something more going on here and I had no idea what.

"You probably hate us for what we put you through-" Iris began.


"Just hear me out." He continued and I listened. "Back then, we were stupid and as cliché as that sounds its true. We were too worried about what was going on in our private lives. But we did like you Timothy. Both of us did, Daniel wasn't shit. He didn't deserve you. Nobody did, not even us. It might be selfish but we wanted you all to ourselves. I wanted to throw up every time I laid a harsh finger on you. It wasn't our intention to push you as far as we did. But we won't let you go.." I stayed silent as I looked down at my lap.

"Everything we did, Timothy you have no idea how much regret we feel..

"You're nothing but a weirdo."

"Nobody will ever love you."

"Danny doesn't even love you."

They kicked me, punched me, threw me against the lockers. Making me bleed and cough out, begging for them to stop but they never did. It's like my pain gave them joy and I was begging them to continue.

"We loved you, always did. It was hard to be together. There were things preventing us from confessing our love to you."

"You are disgusting. Look at yourself, so defenseless and weak. You don't deserve to be alive." Every word they spat at me was like a knife to my chest over and over again. Killing me slowly.

"But we are ready to confess." I tenses up. Please don't let them be vampires.

"First thing, we aren't blood suckers." I sighed in relief while looking up at them. "But we are.. how do I put this-"


"You're WHAT!" I yell. Next thing I know, I'm waking up with a headache, this is becoming too familiar with me Going into strangers cars and waking up with a new learnt secret and a banging headache. "No.. no.. I thought for a second there, you guys were actually normal. Things began making sense. Now... oh no no no.." I hope this is all a horrible dream and I will wake up, happy. Please. I took short deep breaths. Then proceeded to pinch myself to wake myself up, this had to be a dream. It couldn't be true.

"We are normal, I promise you. Listen Timothy. We never want to hurt you again, we will never hurt you. I promise you. We promise you." Iris promised. Iris had driven to the so called hiding place. And currently I was in a bedroom sitting up. "But those other guys... they will hurt you. But we want to protect you." Iris held my face in his hands. He gently placed a kiss on my forehead. "Trust us Timmy, to keep you safe."

Ellie's Pov: "What do you mean they escaped!" I yelled at the pathetic demons. They were always so stupid!

"Our inner demon... submitted to young Timothy. . We don't know what happened, sir." I cursed under my breath. Not a demon too.. There were so many possibilities running through my head, I had no idea what to think.

"You at least put the tracker on them?" I asked hoping they did or so help me I will personally put an end to them.

"Yes, sir we did-" I hung up on him before he could mutter another word.

"What happened?" Dominic asked.

"They got away. And Timothy was not resisting." I met Dominic's eyes. "We better find him before the big bad wolf submits to a couple of pathetic wolves."

"I'll call Nathaniel." Dominic said. We waited for him and next thing there is, beeping. We all went out. Vincent and I in our car, both Dominic and Nathaniel followed us. We were going to retrieve my baby brother. And Dominic and Nathaniel's mate.

He belonged with us. On our side. 

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