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Luna's Perspective

As we entered the disciplinary office, we were met with the sight of Mr. Shin seated in his chair and our teacher, Mrs. Jessica, facing him. I cursed under my breath, knowing that we were in some serious trouble.

"Children, do you have any idea why you're here?" inquired Mrs. Jessica, her tone laced with hidden frustration. "As I had already predicted, this is some sort of trouble," I muttered in response.

"Um, no," replied Zach, trying to play it cool. But Mrs. Jessica wasn't having any of it.

"Well, the fact is, out of the 26 students in our class, you two failed my math test," she revealed.

"And?" Zach asked, a hint of confidence in his voice. Mrs. Jessica was taken aback by his audacity. "How dare you speak to me like that, young man!" she exclaimed, her anger evident in her words. "However, as I was saying, I believe it would be beneficial for Mr. Shin to tutor you after school," she suggested.

I shared a playful smirk with Alice, knowing that we were both thinking the same thing. "Sure, Mrs. Jessica, but isn't it a little late for that? School ends at 7:30 pm and having a class until 8:00 or 9:00 pm is quite stressful," I pointed out, trying to argue our case.

I stood there, my mouth shut, as Mrs. Jessica sternly reminded us, "Well, if you want to improve your grades, you have to put in some effort." With that, she walked off to her class, leaving me standing between Zach and Alice.

Suddenly, I felt my head becoming heavy and my vision started to blur. I saw black dots and my body became unsteady. The last thing I remember is someone catching me before I fell.

Zheng Hau's Perspective

We were still in Mr. Shin's office when I noticed that Luna looked unwell. Before I could do anything, she fainted and I quickly caught her. Mr. Shin and Alice rushed over to see what was happening. Alice also looked dizzy and pale, but she managed to stay conscious. She lost her balance and fell into Mr. Shin's arms. He asked me to take Luna to the nurse while he attended to Alice.

I rushed Luna to the nurse's office and explained what happened. The nurse gave me a letter of approval to skip the class and take care of Luna. I went to the disciplinary office to get Alice's letter and saw Mr. Shin trying to calm her down. I quickly fetched the letter and gave it to our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Are.

Since Luna, Alice, and I were in the same class, I handed the letter to Mrs. Are.
With an inquiring mind, I approached the nurse to inquire about Luna's condition. She informed me that Luna was struggling with school-related stress and had resorted to self-starvation. She also divulged that Luna stays up late to study, which, according to the nurse, is detrimental to her well-being.

Switching to Mr. Shin's perspective,

"Alice, are you feeling alright?" I inquired. "Y-yes," she stuttered weakly. "Here, have some water," I offered her my water bottle. "Thank you," she murmured in a soft tone.

"How about we take a walk outside? I don't have any classes to teach, so what do you say?" I suggested. "Yes, that would be helpful," she agreed.

Together, we made our way to the school garden and found a place to sit and relax for a while.

Viewing the scene from an unknown person perspective

I decided to skip chemistry and headed to the school garden, only to stumble upon Mr. Shin and a student sitting together. Suspicion aroused, I took a picture just in case.

"This is going to be interesting," I thought to myself.

Switching to Luna's perspective,

I woke up and squinted at the sunlight streaming through the curtains. Feeling exhausted and restless, I noticed Zheng hau sleeping next to me. He looked adorable even in his slumber, drooling slightly.

Lost in my thoughts, I failed to realize that he had woken up. Wait, we're in the school? When did our school get a nurse's office? I brushed off the thought.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Zheng hau teased, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Hey! I wasn't staring at you," I retorted, trying to conceal the fact that I was indeed admiring him.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," he replied, smirking.

"Do you want to go to the school field? To get some fresh air and relax?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck nervously. Wasn't he the one who was so confident just a moment ago?

"What if I say no?" I played along.

"It's okay, I'll go alone," he replied, sounding dejected.

"Aww, babyboy, don't cry. Mommy's here," I joked, earning a pout from him.

"I'm not a baby," he huffed cutely.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," I countered with an uno reverse card. "Hey!" he exclaimed in mock anger.

"May you both refrain from speaking?" We both shifted our gaze slowly and caught sight of Mr. Shin and Alice. "Oh darn!" I mentally chastised myself.

Time skip - after school

Alice and I engaged in a swift race to reach our apartment. Of course, I emerged as the victor. It was the 28th of December, with the New Year fast approaching. We decided to indulge in a movie night.

Time skip - 2am_after movie

In an effort to stave off exhaustion, we embarked on a drive. We ventured towards a nearby forest, ensuring that it was uninhabited. Within the forest, we had a splendid tree house. We discovered it abandoned and took the initiative to refurbish and beautify it, making it a snug retreat. It was absolutely idyllic.

We had the added bonus of a breathtaking view of the city. We went there to unwind and accidentally wound up spending the night there.

Time skip - morning

To our surprise, we awoke still nestled in the tree house. We retrieved our bicycles and pedaled back to our apartment to prepare for school. After a hearty breakfast, we headed to school.

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