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After an undisclosed cause prompted Mr. Shin's former girlfriend to depart from him, she returned and witnessed him in the company of Alice, delighting in the majestic sunset. Subsequently, she felt compelled to express her feelings and divulge her emotions to him.

In a twist of fate, Mr. Shin's ex-girlfriend found herself standing in front of him, her heart heavy with remorse. As Alice, Mr. Shin's current girlfriend, stood by his side, the ex-girlfriend mustered up the courage to apologize and ask for a second chance.

It was a delicate situation, but she knew that she had to express her genuine regret for the mistakes she had made in the past. With sincerity in her eyes and a tremor in her voice, she poured out her heart, acknowledging her wrongdoings and the pain she had caused.

She spoke of the personal growth she had undergone during their time apart and how she had come to value and appreciate the love they once shared. As Alice looked on with a mixture of curiosity and concern, Mr. Shin remained composed, contemplating the weight of his ex-girlfriend's words.

He understood the complexity of the situation and the potential ramifications of revisiting a past that had once brought him sorrow. With a deep breath, Mr. Shin thanked his ex-girlfriend for her apology, acknowledging the courage it took to approach him in the presence of Alice.

He expressed his gratitude for her honesty and acknowledged the growth she had undergone. However, he gently informed her that his heart had moved on and found solace in the love he shared with Alice.

It was a bittersweet moment, filled with raw emotions and a compassionate understanding of the complexities of human relationships. As Mr. Shin's ex-girlfriend walked away, a sense of closure settled within her, knowing that she had done all she could to right her wrongs. And as for Mr. Shin and Alice, their love grew stronger, as they navigated the complexities of life and the power of forgiveness.

After the final bell rang, Luna, Zach, and Alice gathered their belongings and made their way to their after-school session. Luna and Alice were in the same class, while unfortunately, Zach had a different one.

They convened at Mr. Shin's office and waited for him to arrive. Mr. Shin appeared after a brief delay, and they all headed to the school computer club room. Mr. Shin then instructed each of them to participate in a kahoot.

Following the link sent by Mr. Shin, they all joined and began playing. In the end, Luna took first place, followed by Zach in second and Alice in third.

After the game, Mr. Shin gave them a worksheet to complete based on their individual strengths. They then headed back home for the day.

The following day, Luna and Zach walked to school together as they lived in the same apartment complex. Hand in hand, they strolled and engaged in conversation. Upon reaching the school, they went to their first class, which happened to be science.

Their friends, minus Alice, were unaware of their relationship, so they had to be cautious. Mr. Shin and Alice arrived in Mr. Shin's car, and an awkward silence permeated the air. It was not long before Alice finally broke the tension and asked Mr. Shin, "What are we?"

Mr. Shin paused, still driving, unsure of how to respond. Are they together? Is Alice too young? "I...I don't know, Alice," he muttered.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that," Alice repeated.

"It's okay, Alice," Mr. Shin replied, and the rest of the car ride was filled with silence.

(Sorry it's a lazy chapter)

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