Chapter 1:

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REALLY Unedited*

 The sun had just begun to creep through the curtain of Rosewyn Snows bedroom alerting the girl that it was time for her to awaken and begin her duties. Everyday felt the same an endless routine of forced perfection and knowledge being cramed into her already fact riddled brain. Over her years in the presidents mansion she had learned many things she would need in order to lead a thriving Panem into a new golden age.

She slipped out of her silk sheets her joints aching and stomach grumbling. Rosewyn drew her soft robe around her form padding into her adjourning bathroom with the skyblue fabric nestled snuggly against her. She gracefully shed her clothing face stoic as she felt her back scream in protest at each shift in the fabric.

The water poured from the ceiling like rain heated to a almost scorching temperature. The sting of water against her newly inflicted wounds stung but the pain was comforting in a way only she would ever understand. She watched the water swirl down the drain for a moment as last nights events flashed through her mind.

She rushed through the halls of the presidents mansion checking over her shoulder in a cautious manner as she tried her best to escape into the busy streets of the capitol. She would never usually be this brazen about breaking the carefully crafted rules President Snow had set out for her. She knew better than to disappoint him.

She pushed her way through the doors pulling her golden hood above her head. She needed to clear her head. She had felt to cooped up lately. Her mind had gone blank as her flight instinct kicked in. She needed to get out if only for a moment. She knew it wouldnt take long for the guards to find her and she knew her punishment would be extreme but the moment she stepped foot into a freedom she would never truly know it was worth it. The princess had left her tower and their would be consequences.

She wandered the familiar streets of the capitol for a few hours ignoring her duty to her country. She was to be sat in the library studying the history of each district and their role in the rebellion against the capitol. Instead she absorbed the busilling streets and watched as families went to dinner spoiling their children with treats she could only dream of.

She understood why it had to be this way. In a matter of years this country would be in her hands and it was imperative that she understood how to keep it afloat. She did not choose this life for herself but she would never give it away.

When she wandered back to the mansion it was nearly night fall and two guards waited at the gates to take her to President Snows office. She followed down the hall head held low as she prepared herself for the punishment she was about to endure.

"Rosewyn" Snows voice sliced through the tense silence that surrounded the thirteen year old, "It seems you've left the mansion without permission and missed your afternoon lessons" His tone dripped with condescension and venom. His face was calm but his eyes held a dangerous glint that caused her breath to be caught in her throat. Her chest pounded with anxiety and she started to regret her wanderings in the capitol.

"Yes that's true, sir" Rosewyn replied head hung low in shame.

"Rosewyn we've spoken about this before you have responsibilities" He spoke firmly sending a shiver up the chastised childs back.

"I know President Snow. Im sorry" Her long dark hair was fanned out in front of her face. She held her hands together to keep her from wringing her fingers if she even tried her hands would be hit with a ruler or stick of some kind. A leader could not show weakness.

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