Chapter 8:

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The sixty fifth hunger games had come to an end two days prior and the capitol was eager to crown their new victor. Finnick had been recovering from his time in the arena and the television had been filled with highlights and commentary of the games and the boys' triumph. All of it leading up to the moment President Snow would place a crown on the fourteen year olds head and officially crown him the youngest victor to ever win.

Rosewyn walked with Coriolanus, dressed in a tea length white satin gown. She looked positively stunning with her chocolate curls cascading over her shoulders and down her back. The thirteen year old wore low white heels wrapping around her ankles in a bow. She was an angel missing her wings exactly like President Snow wanted her to be.

Finnick sat on what seemed to be a cement throne awaiting the President and his successor. The boy was uncomfortable with the horrors of the games flashing through his mind every time he closed his eyes. He smiled at the crowd, masking his emotions. The capitol went crazy for the boys smirk flowers being thrown to him as he seemingly basked in their praise. When Rosewyn and Coriolanus finally walked out onto the balcony the crowd quieted. The power the pair commanded was palpable as they stood in matching white ensembles, a visual representation of the girl's fate.

Rosewyn was excited to finally meet the boy she had spent so much time thinking about. She felt as though they were already friends from his acknowledgement at the tribute parade to his unspoken reply in the arena the girl was sure that they would get along.

"Welcome" President Snow greeted, "It is my great honor to crown the victor of the sixty fifth annual hunger games. With this tradition we recognize the generosity of the capitol and the attempted subversion from the districts. It is these games that remind us of the treacheries Panem faced during the rebellion and the importance of peace within our nation." Rosewyn listened closely to the older man as he spoke, absorbing each word he said.

"Finnick Odair fought valiantly in the arena" Snow continued glancing back at the fourteen year old who remained seated, a stoic expression now gracing his handsome face. Rosewyn couldn't help but stare at the boy who had clouded her head with worry over the past week, "It is my privilege as the president of Panem to crown Finnick Odair as the victor of the sixty fifth hunger games"

Finnick stood waiting for his crown. President Snow turned toward his protegee as she held out a golden halo for him. Rosewyn smiled softly at the older man still on edge around him after her sponsorship of the new victor. "Thank you, my rose" Finnick glanced between the two shifting uncomfortably at the older man's words.

"Of course, President Snow," She replied, voice sweet. Finnicks eyebrows furrowed as he listened to Rosewyns words wondering why the girl would address her grandfather in such a way. It was the assumption throughout Panem that Rosewyn was Snow's granddaughter and that's why she was chosen to lead the country.

Coriolanus stepped forward, carefully placing the crown on the Finnicks golden hair. "Congratulations"

"Thank you" Finnick replied, giving the man a respectful nod. He glanced at the brunette standing next to the President and sending another nod her way. Rosewyn's face flushed a deep red at his acknowledgement and her gaze fell to her shoes. Snow was not pleased with the display glancing between the two with anger gleaming in his eyes.

"Come now Rosewyn" Coriolanus commanded, roughly causing the girl to jump slightly once again, angering the man. She nodded meekly luckily her back was facing the audience or they would have seen the fearful look painted across her face.

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