Chapter 6:

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This chapter does contain themes and gore similar to that in the hunger games novels and movies. If that makes you uncomfortable feel free to skip this chapter. *

Rosewyn couldn't sleep. She didn't need any of the caffeine infused food that was served to the gamemakers to allow them to work diligently through the night. Her worry was enough to keep her alert as the games continued. The career pack was camped out near the ocean with their supplies. The tributes from one and two laid asleep hoping to gain energy to continue their hunt for other children the next day. Finnick sat awake staring out upon the waves, the moon hanging overhead.

Rosewyn watched as the camera zoomed in on the boy's face, his face was serene, blue eyes reflecting the light of the moon as he stared out over the water. The scene seemed so innocent just a boy enjoying a clear night on the beach but the tension in his shoulders told a different story. For the first time in her life Rosewyn was forced to see the humanity of the tributes in the arena and a part of her wished she could go back.

Arthur glanced at the girl sitting next to him seeing the tears well in her eyes as she stared at the screen. He almost felt bad for the girl as she experienced a semblance of the pain the districts were forced to experience each year. "Maybe you should get some sleep love" He suggested trying to comfort the girl.

"No" Rosewyn replied quickly, "I'm fine, thank you" she nodded her head at the older man curtly. Arthur returned the gesture before excusing himself to discuss the plan for the following day with the other gamemakers. Rosewyn suspected his absence had less to do with planning and more to do with getting away from her. She didn't blame the man, it seemed as though she couldn't do anything right.

She couldn't wait for these games to be over and everyone to move on. She had put herself on the line for the boy from district four. Rosewyn wanted to scream. How could she have been so stupid. She was the future president of Panem and she was putting that at risk to help a boy from one of the districts. She was better than this. She shook her head trying to focus back on the screen but she could not avoid the voice in her head.


The games had continued another two days and still ten tributes remained. Finnick was still amongst the other careers as they slowly hunted down their competition. The trident had been of great use to the boy as he used it to creep closer to victory one kill at a time. It had been hours since the careers had stumbled upon another tribute and all the spectators could tell they were starting to get antsy. It wasn't until the boy from district two, Magnus, stood up that Rosewyn felt any concern.

"I should gut you like the fish you are four" Magnus yelled charging towards Finnick with his machete in hand. Finnick sprang to his feet, trident in hand as panic filled his features.

"Woah Magnus come on" Aria the girl from district one chirped, getting between the boys, "Finnicks fine" she chirped, turning to wink at the blue eyed boy behind her.

"Aria" Her district partner called, "Move" Lux commanded his face growing pale as Aria stood between the seething brute and handsome fisherman. She seemed unaware of the danger surrounding her.

"Look I know he can be a little cocky," Aria continued with no weapon in hand, "but he's good for sponsors" the girl shrugged. Magnus seemed to consider her words much to Rosewyn's delight. The girl had been watching the interaction at the edge of her seat terrified to see the outcome of the situation.

"That's true" Magnus chuckled humorlessly, turning away from her to look at Ebony, his district partner who was still sitting on the beach seemingly unbothered by the situation as she cleaned dirt from under nails with one of her knives. Magnus' words did little to ease the tension that was obvious through the screen.

"No" Rosewyn breathed out as she witnessed the boy turn quickly, cutting into the blonde girl's neck. Lux rushed forward catching the girl before she could fall to the ground choking on her own blood.

"What did you do?" Lux screamed at the grinning boy above him. Finnick stood unharmed a few feet away reaching down slowly to grab a pack without drawing too much attention to himself.

"She was just slowing us down" Magnus hissed out gesturing with his machete to the corpse of the once beautiful girl on the ground. Rosewyn was going to be sick. She felt her stomach roll as the sand was stained the same red she so often witnessed disappear down her shower drain after her punishments.

Lux moved to attack Magnus, not even making it a foot before a knife landed between his eyes. Another canon rang out through the room. Rosewyn was definitely going to be sick, she could feel the vomit creeping up her throat, but she couldn't look away. She had to make sure Finnick made it out of this.

Luckily the two tributes from district two were so distracted by Lux that Finnick had managed to make a break for it. Swimming out to the small island in hopes of safety. Rosewyn felt like she could finally breathe again knowing that for now Finnick was not currently in direct danger.

The boy had arrived on the shore and had immediately started to make his way around the small island checking to see if any tributes had sought refuge at the same place. Rosewyn nearly let out a scream as the girl from seven charged the boy from behind a large rock in hand. Before the girl could even lay a finger on him Finnick had stabbed her with his trident. More red pooled around the wound on her stomach and the girl's gasps were audible as she fought for air. It was a matter of minutes before another canon rang out.

Rosewyn stood exiting the room quickly. She broke out into a run once she entered the hallway barely making it to the restroom before her lunch spilled out of her. Sobs escaped the thirteen year old as she tucked her knees to her chest. Mascara streaming down the young girl's cheeks. She did her best to remind herself of the importance of the games. How without the reminder of the rebellion Panem would fall into chaos. She was going to be president and it would be her responsibility to continue these traditions.

Rosewyn sobs shook her body as she rested her head on her knees, "I can't do this" she gasped out rocking her small body back and forth, "I just want my mom" she sobbed. 

Authors Note:

This chapter is a little shorter but hopefully the next one will be on the longer side. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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