Chapter 15:

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The day had come for Finnick to return to his district in order to mentor the tribute for this year's games. Rosewyn had difficulty watching the games ever the past few years and she expected this year would be no different. The pair laid side by side beneath a gorgeous blooming cherry tree tucked away in the corner of President Snow's garden. Throughout the weeks they've become much more less secretive of how they spent their days as long as at some point they retired to the bedroom nobody seemed to care.

"Are you ready for the games?" Rosewyn pondered softly as not to invoke any of the boys' rage over the sensitive topic.

"I'm never ready for the games" He breathed back, not turning to look at the girl. Rosewyn drew herself up onto her elbow and turned towards the handsome boy beside her.

"I won't be able to see you for a few weeks" She states brown eyes refusing to meet the green that had turned to look at her. Rosewyn couldn't help but resent herself. She thought the people of the capital were disgusting in their actions in regards to the victor but she couldn't stop her own fondness from warming her cheeks whenever he got too close.

"I know," He muttered, tilting to focus on the brunette.

"I know you usually accept secrets as payments for your services" Rosewyn mumbled, beginning to toy with her fingers.

"I do," Finnick replied, not understanding where the girl was going with that information.

"Would you like to know one of my secrets" She asked genuinely wanting to know if the boy felt he needed payment for her attempts to keep him from being raped.

The girl was only met with his signature charming chuckle. "What secrets?"

"You don't think i have secrets" Rosewyn questioned slightly offended by the boys assumption.

"Rosewyn Snow you are the princess of the capital, naive enough to think that the games are a good thing. What could you possibly be hiding" Finnicks smile only grew wider with his words content to tease the girl he'd grown fond of.

"Is that all you think of me?" The girl questioned quickly sitting up in defense.

"It's not a bad thing Ros," He chuckled putting his hand on her shoulder to calm her down, "You just didn't know any better"

"You think i'm an idiot" Rosewyn stated looking through the boy's supposed charms, "after all this you think I was just to stupid to understand the gravity of the situation we find ourselves in. That I can't possibly comprehend this nation's government or how it affects the districts." Rosewyns voice rose with each word.

"Ros calm down, that's not what I meant" Finnick attempted to calm the girl.

"You don't know anything about me" Rosewyn spat, folding her arms around her body for some form of comfort just like she did when she was little. "I have preparations to make before the games" She finally said standing up to leave.

"I know you Rosewyn" Finnick breathed out standing up as well to watch her leave. "I know that if it were up to you they'd be over" Finnick stared at the girls back as she refused to look back at the boy.

Finnick stood in silence, a hand coming up to brush through his bronze hair. He knew what he'd said to her about the games were true. He knew that she would send them. The only question in his mind was when. The girl was only seventeen; she had been promised to come into power at eighteen but it seemed as if her future presidency was much further out of reach. No declaration of President Snow's retirement had been made nor had anyone interviewed her on what she would do to their country when she was made President.


Rosewyn was still fuming over her conversation with Finnick as she walked into the mansion. "President Snow would like to speak to you" one of the many servants said to the girl as she entered.

"OF course" She replied, taking a deep breath to compose herself before following the girl to what would surely be another unbearable conversation. She painted a smile on her face before opening the door to his office.

"Rosewyn dear please sit down" Coriolanus said gesturing to the empty seat in the room Rosewyn wasn't expecting anyone else to be in the room for her but she refused to let her confident facade waver as she gracefully sat in the leather bound chair. "I was just speaking to Arthur and he was wondering if you'd like to be one of the gamemakers for the upcoming games?"

"Of course" Rosewyn smiled, turning to the man she had actually grown fond of since working with him during the 65th hunger games. Rosewyn knew that President Snow's offer was not a request but a command. This didn't bother the girl; she knew that the only aspect of her life she had semblance of control over was when she was with Finnick. She also knew that despite her attempts to describe this top Finnick he still could not comprehend it.

Finnick and Rosewyn were two birds stuck in gold cages. The only difference was one was born into her cage and the other was forced into his.

Authors Note: this one is definitely shorter than usual so sorry about that. Im just trying to get something uploaded. Anyways...

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Also can we talk about how Finnick still thinks that Rosewyn is just naive and hasn't been tortured and manipulated her entire childhood. like come on man tsk tsk.

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